What do Neutralists do?
What do Neutralists do?
a person who advocates or adheres to a policy of strict neutrality in foreign affairs. a person who advocates or adheres to a policy or theory of neutralism. of, relating to, or advocating neutralism.
What does the term neutrality mean?
Neutrality, the legal status arising from the abstention of a state from all participation in a war between other states, the maintenance of an attitude of impartiality toward the belligerents, and the recognition by the belligerents of this abstention and impartiality.
What is an example of neutrality?
Neutrality implies tolerance regardless of how disagreeable, deplorable, or unusual a perspective might be. For example, a neutral party is seen as a party with no (or a fully disclosed) conflict of interest in a conflict, and is expected to operate as if it has no bias.
Which is the best definition of neutralism?
The state of being neutral; neutrality. 2. A political policy or advocacy of nonalignment or noninvolvement in conflicting alliances and of attempting to mediate or conciliate in conflicts between states: “Neutralism differs from neutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war” (London Times).
What is the meaning of the word neutral?
Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word neutralism. The state of being neutral; neutrality. A political policy of nonalignment in a situation of conflict.
What makes you want to look up neutrality by Merriam Webster?
Kids Definition of neutrality. : the quality or state of not favoring one side or the other. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on neutrality. What made you want to look up neutrality?
Which is an example of a neutrality policy?
The country adopted an official policy of neutrality. The newspaper is known for its political neutrality. Recent Examples on the Web In 2002, voters in Switzerland approved joining the United Nations, abandoning almost 200 years of formal neutrality.