Users' questions

What does a Toller dog sound like?

What does a Toller dog sound like?

Tollers have a penetrating high-pitched bark that sounds like a scream, which they produce to indicate excitement and eagerness. To the uninitiated, this can sound like something terrible; it is high-pitched, frantic, and loud. Owners, with persistence, can train their Toller not to scream.

Are Duck Tollers noisy?

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers can bark, just like any other dog breed, however, besides a “normal” barking sound, Tollers can have a high-pitched, penetrating bark that sounds like a howl or a scream when they get excited.

Do Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers bark a lot?

As evidenced by the breed’s purpose and talents above, Tollers are energetic and extremely versatile. They are playful, alert, outgoing, affectionate with family and good with children. Their high intelligence makes them easy to train, and they usually bark only to signal danger.

Is a duck tolling retriever a good dog?

Temperament. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are known to be very intelligent, curious, alert, outgoing, and high-energy dogs. They are good family dogs, however during the decision process potential owners should be wary of the physical and mental commitment that is required in order to keep a Toller busy.

Is the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever for You?

If after reading all of this information you still feel the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is for you and your family – then go onto the next step: finding the right breeder and puppy for you, and make sure to ask questions!

Why do dogs scream when they get a Toller?

The “scream.” Tollers have a penetrating scream that they produce to indicate excitement and eagerness. To the uninitiated, this can sound like the dog is being fed into a wood chipper; it is high pitched, frantic, and loud. 6.

Is the Nova Scotia Duck a small golden retriever?

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers are not small Golden Retrievers. Tollers are intelligent, outgoing, and affectionate, but they are not for everyone. More than many breeds, Tollers like to stay busy and they are a mental and physical commitment.

What kind of dog is a Toller dog?

Tollers are a hunting breed, and are bred to be working dogs. They have a fanatical drive to work, and will retrieve until your arm is ready to fall off. 5. They’re not everyone’s best friend.