What does circuitous travel mean?
What does circuitous travel mean?
Circuitous travel is defined as travel by a route other than the one that would normally be prescribed by a TO between the places listed in authorization travel orders. Dependents may travel independent of their sponsor. The designated official approves/disapproves requests for circuitous travel.
What is circuitous indirect travel?
Circuitous or indirect travel is any route (CONUS/OCONUS) other than the one normally prescribed by the Installation Transportation Office (ITO) between the official places listed in members TDY or PCS orders. Circuitous travel is essentially taking the scenic route to get to your next permanent duty stations (PDS).
What is concurrent travel of dependents?
Concurrent Travel of Dependents: Concurrent Travel of Dependents normally refers to dependents being allowed to travel with the member from the old duty station in the USA, or other oversea areas, to a new duty station in Europe.
How many days are authorized for PCS leave?
A traveler who is authorized PCS travel by POV is allowed one day of travel for the first 400 miles between authorized points. For any distance greater than 400 miles, the traveler is allowed another day of travel for every additional 350 miles. See the JTR, par. 050205.
How to convert Norton to Thevenin equivalent circuit?
As we have seen, the Norton equivalent circuit consists of a Norton current source and Thevenin equivalent circuit consists of a Thevenin voltage source. The equivalent resistance is the same in both cases. To convert Norton to Thevenin equivalent circuit, source transformation is used.
Which is an example of a Norton equivalent circuit?
The Norton Equivalent Circuit: The Norton equivalent circuit represents a general circuit with an independent current source in parallel with the Norton equivalent Resistance. Norton current source ( ) is equivalent to the short-circuit current at the terminal a and b.
How is Norton’s theorem used in AC circuits?
Norton’s Theorem, already presented for DC circuits, can also be used in AC circuits. Norton’s Theorem applied to AC circuits states that the network can be replaced by a current source in parallel with an impedance. We can calculate the Norton equivalent circuit in two steps: 1. Calculate ZTh.
How to find Norton equivalent resistance in a network?
If the network consists of dependent source/s, you need to use other methods to find Norton equivalent resistance. In case, the network consists of only of independent sources, all sources are removed from the network by short-circuiting the voltage source and open-circuit the current source.