
What animal is not a rodent?

What animal is not a rodent?

Rabbits, hares, and a few other species make up the Lagomorpha. Shrews, moles and hedgehogs are also not rodents; they are classified in the Mammal order Eulipotyphla.)

What animals are only found in Indiana?


  • Black Bear.
  • Coyote.
  • Mountain Lion.
  • Wolf.
  • Allegheny Woodrat.
  • Badger.
  • Beaver.
  • Bobcat.

Why is a shrew not a rodent?

Although its external appearance is generally that of a long-nosed mouse, a shrew is not a rodent, as mice are. In fact it is related to moles. Shrews have sharp, spike-like teeth, not the familiar gnawing front incisor teeth of rodents. Shrews are distributed almost worldwide.

Are there mink in Indiana?

Mink (Neovison vison) are one of Indiana’s “semi-aquatic” furbearers, meaning they spend much of their time in and around water. Members of the weasel family, mink are not seen often, though they are common throughout the state.

What kind of snakes are found in Indiana?

AnimalSake provides a picture gallery of the species of snakes found in Indiana. Not hisssss brother! The Eastern hognose snake, also called “puff (ing) adder”, is a harmless snake found in Indiana. Do not confuse it with the real puff adder, which is a highly venomous viper. It is a totally different species found in Africa.

Are there ratsnakes in the state of Indiana?

Indiana also hosts another species in the Ratsnake family, the Eastern Foxsnake (Pantherophis gloydi). They can grow almost as large as the Black Ratsnakes, and have a brown patterned body. They live in the northwest corner of the state.

Where to find endangered species in the state of Indiana?

Hibernates in caves and mines – swarming in surrounding wooded areas in autumn. Roosts and forages in upland forests and woods. Sandbars on large rivers, dredged spoil islands, and man-made habitats that include constructed nesting islands and gravel areas near impoundments.

Are there any non rodent species that are toxic?

• Chemically synthesized • Low molecular weight <1kDa • May be metabolised to toxic intermediate • Usually not immunogenic • Can interact with multiple cells or organs • Generally active in many species Biologicals