Users' questions

What is cores per socket in Linux?

What is cores per socket in Linux?

We can get the number of physical and logical CPU cores using lscpu command in Linux as follows. Each CPU socket has 8 physical cores. Hence, the computer has 16 physical cores in total. Core(s) per socket: 8. Each physical CPU core can run 2 threads.

How many CPUs can be in a socket?

A normal PC only have one socket. Cores are the number of CPU-cores per CPU capsule. A modern standard CPU for a standard PC usually have two or four cores. And some CPUs can run more than one parallel thread per CPU-core.

How many CPU cores do I have Linux?

You can use one of the following command to find the number of physical CPU cores including all cores on Linux:

  1. lscpu command.
  2. cat /proc/cpuinfo.
  3. top or htop command.
  4. nproc command.
  5. hwinfo command.
  6. dmidecode -t processor command.
  7. getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN command.

How do I know how many cores a socket has?

To check the distribution of cores across a socket, use the coreinfo -c -s command. To download and install Coreinfo, click here. CPU-Z is a freeware application for Microsoft Windows operating systems which provides information about CPU, processor, cache, memory, system board, graphics, and other hardware features.

What is the difference between sockets and cores?

To get a quick understanding remember that a socket is actually what the CPU chip is connected into via pins and leads and in common language it refers to the chip itself. A core is a full blown CPU sitting on the chip. Basically single socket (chip) may have 1 (one), 2 (two) or 4 (four) cores on it.

How many cores does a VM need?

To use all CPU resources allocated to a virtual machine, it must see one 8 core processor, 2 vCPUs with 4 cores each or 1 vCPU with 4 cores in two threads instead of 8 vCPUs.

How many cores do I need for gaming?

Generally speaking, six cores is usually considered optimal for gaming in 2021. Four cores can still cut it but would hardly be a future-proof solution. Eight or more cores might provide performance improvement, but all this depends mainly on how a particular game is coded and what GPU the CPU would be paired with it.

How do I find memory in Linux?


  1. Open the command line.
  2. Type the following command: grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo.
  3. You should see something similar to the following as output: MemTotal: 4194304 kB.
  4. This is your total available memory.

How many cores are in a CPU socket?

Each CPU socket has 8 physical cores. Hence, the computer has 16 physical cores in total. Core(s) per socket: 8. Each physical CPU core can run 2 threads.

How to know number of cores of a system in Linux?

You have to look at sockets and cores per socket. In this case you have 1 physical CPU (socket) which has 4 cores (cores per socket). I have one socket, two cpus per socket, so that would mean a total of 2. However, it says 4 cpus. If I try nproc I get 4 back.

Which is the correct socket count in Linux?

Which is correct socket count – looking up the E5-2667 tells me each socket has 8 cores, so multiply and end up with 16 cores across 2 sockets. Where lscpu give me 20 CPUs – which is totally incorrect – not sure why. (same goes for cat /proc/cpu – ends up with 20.

How to set cores per socket parameter for a virtual machine?

This article describes how to set the cores-per-socket parameter for a Windows Virtual Machine (VM). This procedure does not apply for Linux VMs. When you assign virtual CPUs to a VM, by default one virtual CPU is equal to one socket. Some VMs have higher core limitations.