
How big does a Polleni cichlid get?

How big does a Polleni cichlid get?

polleni individuals are jet black in color, covered with brilliant iridescent spots which shift from golden to blue depending on the movement of the fish and the angle of the light; the eye is a bright yellow. The male can reach almost 28 cm (11 in) in total length; females are usually half that length.

Are Polleni cichlids aggressive?

Relatively peaceful with heterospecifics, although it is robust enough to hold its own in territorial disputes. It becomes far more aggressive when breeding but even then, fish that do not enter the polleni’s territory are tolerated (this territory can however be very large.

What is the rarest peacock cichlid?

Once quite common in the aquarium trade, the cichlid “Cichlasoma” beani is now one of the rarest, most desirable, and hardest-to-obtain cichlids on the casual cichlidophile’s wish list.

How big do Labidochromis cichlids get?

This cichlid grows a bit over 3 inches (8.1 cm) in length in the wild, but can grow larger in the aquarium, up to a length of almost 4″ (10 cm). Lake Malawi fish live an average of 6 to 10 years. There are about a dozen color morphs found in this species, depending on where they originate from.

Are Black Diamond cichlids aggressive?

Behaviors: Black Diamond Cichlids are usually rather aggressive fish, and sometimes eat their tank mates, if they’ll fit in their mouths.

Are Starry Night cichlids aggressive?

It is not a good idea to pair your Starry Night Cichlids with other fish, as they are territorial and aggressive. They are particularly aggressive when spawning. However, they have been known to tolerate other fish if they do not go into their territory.

Are Black Diamond Cichlids aggressive?

How much is a black diamond stingray?

Before you cozy up to the idea of getting some Leopoldi or Black Diamond stingrays yourself, bear in mind that an average leopoldi price starts out at about $500, but for Black Diamond stingrays you’ll need a lot more than that to obtain stingray pups with anywhere near the potential to look like the unbelievable …

What is the meanest cichlid?

1. Parachromis dovii (Dovii – The Wolf Cichlid)

What fish go well with electric yellow cichlids?

Compatibility. The Electric Yellow is a mildly aggressive fish but can get highly aggressive when breeding. Some of the fish that make good tank mates are the Peacock Cichlid, Kenya Cichlid, Blue Dolphin Cichlid, Lionhead Cichlid, and Frontosa. If kept with its own species, the Electric Yellow can be very timid.

Can neon tetras live with electric yellow cichlids?

The yellow cichlids are probably Yellow labs. NO do not mix them with tetras. Your tetras would be tore up in no time. Most cichlids are not a community fish, unless its a community of more cichlids.