
What are examples of soft g words?

What are examples of soft g words?

Some examples of words with the soft ‘g’ are: general, giant, gymnastics, large, energy and change. Any other letter that follows requires a ‘hard’ pronunciation of ‘g’ as in ‘progress’ and some more examples are: golf, pig, great, grasp and gum.

What words have the soft g sound?

“Soft” G — when g represents the “j” sound.

generate gentle cage
engage wage dodge
nudge fledge grudge
ridge bilge dislodge

What are soft and hard sounds?

Usually, a c or g sound is hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it. Here’s the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard. When c or g meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft.

What words start with soft G?

List of 52 Words That Start With a Soft G

gel genital gingersnap
gelatin genius gingivitis
gem gent ginseng
gender gentle giraffe
genealogy gentleman giro

What are soft and hard words?

A soft “g” sounds more like a “j,” as in the words large, general, and giant. By contrast, a hard “c” sounds like a “k,” as in the words cup, class, and fact. A soft “c” sounds like an “s” as in city, receive, and cell.

Is give a hard G word?

These mostly involve giving hard pronunciation to words where the rule indicates a soft sound would normally be used. These exceptions include: Gear, get, gelding, give, girl, gift, tiger, celt.

Is stage a soft g word?

soft g words. Word List: large, barge, Marge, age, cage, page, stage.

What are the examples of soft sounds?

Loud sound has a high volume while soft sound has a low volume. Banging of a hammer and a car’s horn are examples of loud sounds while playing of a piano and sound of blowing wind are examples of soft sounds.

What is a soft G word?

In English, the sound of soft ⟨g⟩ is the affricate /dʒ/, as in general, giant, and gym. A ⟨g⟩ at the end of a word usually renders a hard ⟨g⟩ (as in “rag”), while if a soft rendition is intended it would be followed by a silent ⟨e⟩ (as in “rage”).

What is soft c and soft g words?

A hard “c” is pronounced “k”‘ as in call, correct, cup, cross, class, rescue, fact, public, panic, and ache. A soft “g” is pronounced “j” as in general, giant, gymnastic, large, energy, intelligible, and changing.

Is page a soft g word?

Letter sound Correspondence: Introduce rule for hard and soft g: g followed by “e”, “i”, or “y” is pronounced as a soft g. Example: Hold up the word “page” and the students will hold up the “Soft G” post it.

Is the letter g hard or soft g?

e , i, y it sounds like “ j ”. (There are some exceptions to this rule.) The letter ”g” has two sounds, hard “g” and soft “g”. The hard sound of “g” occurs more frequently. Its sound is heard in gas, got, gum, etc. Soft ” g ” sounds like “ j ”. It is heard in ge m, gi ant, gy m, etc. Read these words. Can you think of any more soft “g” words?

What kind of sound is a soft g?

soft g sound (juh): gerbil, gym. Usually, a c or g sound is hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it. Here’s the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard.

How to write a sentence with soft g words?

Write sentences or a story with soft g words of your choice. There are lots more word in other parts of this packet! , general, generous, genie, genius, gentle, genuine, geography, gerbil, germ, German]

What’s the difference between hard and soft pronunciation?

Hard and Soft Pronunciation The two consonant letters “c” and “g” can be pronounced with both hard and soft sounds. It can be helpful, before reviewing pronunciation rules, to look at exactly how these sounds are enunciated with c’s and g’s as well as with other consonants. In general, a hard sound is like a click.