
What is the workup for hypercalcemia?

What is the workup for hypercalcemia?

Hypercalcemia is a metabolic abnormality frequently related to primary hyperparathyroidism and cancer. Initial hypercalcemia workup includes electrolyte panels, phosphorous, and calcium.

Does hypercalcemia cause hypernatremia?

Close monitoring of serum calcium levels is recommended in patients treated with SGLT2 inhibitors who are elderly, have established hypercalcemia, or take oral calcium supplements. Saline therapy and osmotic diuresis may lead to hypernatremia from electrolyte-free water loss in susceptible patients.

What is the test for hypercalcemia?

Because hypercalcemia can cause few, if any, signs or symptoms, you might not know you have the disorder until routine blood tests reveal a high level of blood calcium. Blood tests can also show whether your parathyroid hormone level is high, indicating that you have hyperparathyroidism.

Does hypercalcemia cause hypophosphatemia?

In the absence of hyperparathyroidism the hypercalcemia as well as changes in osteoclast morphology found on bone biopsy are ascribed to a direct effect of hypophosphatemia on bone.

Who is at risk for spontaneous ecchymoses on legs?

SPONTANEOUS ECCHYMOSES. A short obese woman with a cushingoid appearance has a history of painful spontaneous ecchymoses on her legs and arms. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, bipolar depression, sleep apnea, and chronic joint and musculoskeletal pain attributed to fibromyalgia.

What should be included in a hypercalcemia workup?

Hypercalcemia Workup 1 Approach Considerations. Malignancy is one of the most common causes and must be excluded. 2 Imaging Studies. Chest radiographs always should be performed to help rule out lung cancer or sarcoidosis. 3 Electrocardiography. On electrocardiography (ECG), characteristic changes in patients with hypercalcemia…

What are the ECG characteristics of hypercalcemia?

On electrocardiography (ECG), characteristic changes in patients with hypercalcemia include shortening of the QT interval. ECG changes in patients with very high serum calcium levels include the following: Slight prolongation of the PR and QRS intervals.

When does hypercalcemia occur in rhabdomyolysis patients?

Hypercalcemia also can occur in the recovery phase of rhabdomyolysis-induced renal injury, when calcium deposited in soft tissue is mobilized. Asymptomatic patients with mild hypercalcemia generally do not benefit from normalization of their serum calcium levels.