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What is a Sfpa Flag?

What is a Sfpa Flag?

Summary. This supplement provides guidance and prescribes procedures governing Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (SFPA), generally referred to as a Flag, for the members of the ARNG/ARNGUS. The purpose of the Flag is to prevent certain favorable actions for a Soldier who may be in an unfavorable status.

What is DA Form 268?

The DA Form 268 is an Army personnel form used in conjunction with Regulation AR 600-8-2 to add or remove “flags” to a soldier’s record that will affect decisions pertaining to the soldier’s possible promotion in rank.

What form is used to Flag a soldier?

A flag should be initiated (DA Form 268) within three working days after identification of the Soldier’s unfavorable status (i.e. APFT failure).

How do you get flagged in the Army?

Included among the many circumstances that can trigger a flag are: Military legal proceedings. An official reprimand, censure or admonishment. Absence without leave, or AWOL.

Can you take leave while flagged army?

To my knowledge a Flag only stops advanced or excess leave. Normal leave is a benefit (meaning it is earned as part of your compensation), not an privilege. Therefore it can only be stopped in rare cases. For example, the command can disapprove leave if they could prove you are a flight risk for AWOL.

What is a BA flag code?

Flag codes are two letters, the first is the reason and the second is the status. A is for Adverse Action. Usually it’s an AA flag until its removed. B is a separation flag and is shown as a BA flag until the person is separated.

Is the Army a flag?

The flag of the United States Army displays a blue replica of the War Office Seal set on a white field. Beneath the seal is a broad scarlet scroll bearing the inscription in white letters, “United States Army”….Flag of the United States Army.

Name United States Army Field Flag
Use War flag
Proportion 4:3
Adopted April 12, 1962

What is a DA form 200 used for?

DD Form 200. The DD Form 200 is required documentation for investigations—and shall be used to document the facts and circumstances of the loss, damage, destruction, or theft.

What is an AA flag code?

Soldiers who receive Army Adverse Action Flags are ineligible for promotion, may be denied leave and passes and are not permitted to receive any awards while they are flagged. Flags are annotated in the “Flag Code” section of the Enlisted Record Brief (ERB). Soldiers may be flagged in more than one category.

What happens if you are flagged Army?

A flag is designed to suspend actions that are considered favorable to the Soldier until the Soldier has been trained and the original incident or action has been rectified or corrected. AR 600-8-2 does not list a requirement to counsel a Soldier upon the initiation of a flag.

What does flag stand for in the Army?

Personnel Actions (Flag)) for code W suspension of favorable personnel actions (Headquarters Department of the Army involuntary separation or discharge) for officers identified to Show Cause for retention by a Headquarters, Department of the Army centralized promotion selection board or who have failed to initiate or

When does a flag stay in effect in the Army?

A Flag is the temporary suspension of favorable personnel actions such as promotions or special duty assignments. The Flag will remain in effect until the investigation has been completed and the issue has been resolved or adverse action completed. The DA Form 268 which initiated the Flag is attached.

Who is the flagging authority in the Army?

The flagging authority, unit commander, or first line supervisor will counsel all Soldiers on active duty, in writing, upon initiation of any Flag within 2 working days unless notification would compromise an ongoing investigation.

Which is the DA Form to remove a flag?

Figure List Figure 2–1: Sample DA Form 268 (nontransferable Flag), page 8 Figure 2–2: Sample DA Form 268 (transferable Flag), page 9 Figure 2–3: Sample DA Form 268 (remove a Flag), page 11