Useful tips

Can you go clamming in Long Island?

Can you go clamming in Long Island?

Long Island clams are wild clams harvested by clam diggers in Long Island Sound and our south shore bays. Our local shellfish industry is highly regulated and monitored by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to ensure the clams are 100 percent safe to eat.

Where can I clam on LBI?

The most common areas to clam locally are the sandbars near the Fish Factory islands on the Great Bay side and the sandbars in and around the islands on the Little Egg Harbor side. You can also clam in the LBI (Long Beach Island) ocean front surf.

When can you go clamming in New Jersey?

Saltwaters may be opened for taking shellfish between January 1 and December 31. Prior to harvesting any shellfish, check with the DNR-Coastal Resources Division ( for any seasonal closures that may be in effect during the calendar year.

Can you clam on Sundays in NJ?

The maintenance of leases, limited to the moving and planting of shell, oyster and clam seed and the use of bagless oyster scrapes, shall be permitted on Sunday.

What is the best time to go clamming?

Spotting the Clams. Look for clams during low tide. The best time to dig is during low tide, when you can walk further out on the shore and find burrowed clams. Check your beach’s high and low tide times, and plan your clam digging trip around this time.

Why is clamming illegal?

While the mussel quarantine typically occurs from May to October each year, Fish and Wildlife can close a fishery at any time due to health concerns. For example, at the time of this writing, Fish and Wildlife has banned harvesting Pacific razor clams due to elevated domoic acid levels.

How many clams can you keep in NJ?

NJ resident 62 years of age or older for clam/oyster license. Harvest limit of 150 clams per day.

Can you clam in Barnegat Bay?

Shellfish are an important link within the Barnegat Bay food-chain and ecosystem. Harvest these delicious soft-bodied gastropods by digging your toes into the sandy bottom of the bay or by using a clamming rake. A Recreational Shellfish Harvesting Permit is required to take your clams home!

What is the fine for fishing without a license in New Jersey?

(1) Any person found hunting, fishing or trapping without the proper license or tag as may be required conspicuously displayed pursuant to subsection b. of this section shall be liable to a penalty of $10 and costs, to be recovered pursuant to the provisions of Title 23, chapter 10, of the Revised Statutes.

Do you need a permit to crab in NJ?

You do not need a fishing license to catch blue crabs in NJ, but you’re limited to harvesting one bushel per day. NJ crabbing regulations say to throw back any female crabs or any hard-shelled blue crabs less than 4.5 inches from point to point (your iPhone is about 4.5 inches long).

Can you use chicken for crab bait in NJ?

According to the folks in NJ at the Bureau of Marine Fisheries at 609-748-2020, it is legal to use chicken necks for crab bait in that state.

How long does it take to purge clams?

Soak your clams for 20 minutes in fresh water just before cooking. As the clams breathe they filter water. When the fresh water is filtered, the clam pushes salt water and sand out of their shells. After 20 minutes, the clams will have cleaned themselves of much of the salt and sand they have collected.

Is it legal to clam on Long Beach Island?

You can also clam in the LBI (Long Beach Island) ocean front surf. DO NOT forget to have your license with you! Stay out of the clam stakes – these are privately leased lots and illegal to clam in. They are marked by cedar stakes or pvc poles which mark the corners of the lots.

Where are the best places to clam in Long Beach?

This site has maps showing seasonal areas. The most common areas to clam locally are the sandbars near the Fish Factory islands on the Great Bay side and the sandbars in and around the islands on the Little Egg Harbor side. You can also clam in the LBI (Long Beach Island) ocean front surf.

Where to find clams on Long Island Sound?

These delicious clams are harvested by clam diggers on the south shore bays and Long Island Sound and sold to restaurants, local supermarkets, and fish markets. If you want the experience of digging your clams, there are places in which to do so. There is no season for clams so you can dig for them year-round.

Where are the best places to clam in New Jersey?

Online info about waters: site has maps showing seasonal areas. The most common areas to clam locally are the sandbars near the Fish Factory islands on the Great Bay side and the sandbars in and around the islands on the Little Egg Harbor side.