What time of year is hay made?
What time of year is hay made?
Hay is usually cut in July to September depending on the type of wildflowers present and the weather over this period. Changing between earlier cuts (usually after 15th July) to later cutes (in late August) is beneficial for a hay meadow, rather than cutting at the same time each year.
What month do you start cutting hay?
Optimum conditions for first cuttings can generally be expected around May 15th in the south and May 25th in the north. Though different cuttings provide different levels of nutrition (a topic for a future blog), the most important determination of hay quality is its state of maturity when cut.
When should I start making hay?
Weather depending, an afternoon in mid-June is the ideal time to have the hay cut, according to the BGS. “June is when the grass is freshest and at the peak of its goodness,” adds Mike Stevens from Pedley Hill Haylage and Farm Contractors.
How long is growing season for hay?
The best time to harvest grass or alfalfa for hay is while it’s green but not yet flowering. If you notice your crop beginning to flower, harvest the crop within several days if possible. Alfalfa usually flowers 7-8 months after planting.
Is haylage better than hay?
Haylage is, however, higher in protein, and more digestible than hay giving it a higher DE content. As a result, horses generally tend to do better on haylage, so it’s often not ideal for overweight horses and those prone to weight gain, metabolic and laminitic horses, unless it is a high-fibre, lower DE variety.
How much does a bale of hay cost?
From the hay market, square bales, on average, will cost you between $3 and $10 per bale, but some farmers prefer selling their hay per pound, in which case such a bale will be around 50 pounds.
How long after cutting hay can you bale it?
Subject: RE: How long does your hay lay to bale dry? Cut first thing in the morning, ted about 2-4 hours later, do nothing the next day, rake as soon as dew is off (-48 hours after cutting), let dry about 3 hours, and bale. Sometime takes an extra day to dry or occasionally a day less if perfect weather.
How long does hay need to cure?
In perfect conditions — where the hay has been baled at less than 12% moisture and is very dry — it is safe to feed straight away, but this isn’t often the case, Tim explains: “The main reason for allowing a period of anywhere between two and eight weeks before feeding freshly made hay is to allow for a process called …
Do you plant hay every year?
Some fields are always used to grow hay, and don’t require re-planting every year. In other cases, hay is a part of a crop rotation, where farmers plant different crops on the same field in different years. Hayseed can be a mixture of many types of seeds, with alfalfa, clover, and timothy being among the most common.
Is haylage higher in sugar than hay?
Contrary to popular belief, haylage is normally lower in sugar than hay, and contains more protein. Soaking or steaming your hay can help to reduce sugar levels.
Has haylage got more sugar than hay?
During fermentation, sugars in the haylage are converted to lactic acid and volatile fatty acids (VFA), meaning that contrary to popular belief, haylage is normally lower in sugar than hay. Haylage is, however, higher in protein, and more digestible than hay giving it a higher DE content.
When is the best time to make hay?
The term “making hay” may hold different connotations for many people, but if you grew up on a farm or lived in a rural area, making hay was synonymous with the warming days of late spring or early summer, as you got ready for the first cutting of hay for the year.
What are the main operations of hay making?
Haymaking methods vary depending on crop and circumstances, but the main operations are more or less the same in all cases: – artificial conditioning for rapid drying. (an innovation, and only sometimes carried out);
How long does it take to cure hay for baling?
It’s a good practice to rely on a weather forecasting model that will give you at least a few days of dry conditions from the time of your hay mowing. A general rule of thumb is that it takes about three days of good drying weather to cure hay for baling. Some common equipment used for mowing hay are the sickle mower and the rotary disc mower.
How much does it cost to run a hay farm?
Operating costs include labor, valued at $15 per hour, fuel, repairs, miscellaneous costs (including twine) and a $500 annual management charge. Table 3 presents annual operating costs and sums both operating and fixed costs in the final column.