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Who is the actress in the Prevnar 13 commercial?

Who is the actress in the Prevnar 13 commercial?

Molly Culver

Molly Culver
Born July 18, 1967 Santa Clara County, California, U.S.
Occupation actress, spokesperson
Years active 1990’s – 2015
Website www.mollyculver.com

What does Prevnar 13 include?

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13 or Prevnar13®) includes purified capsular polysaccharide of 13 serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae (1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 19A, 19F, 18C, and 23F) conjugated to a nontoxic variant of diphtheria toxin known as CRM197.

What is the drug Prevnar 13 used for?

PCV13. Prevnar 13® : Doctors give this vaccine to children at 2, 4, 6, and 12 through 15 months old. Adults who need this vaccine only get 1 shot. The vaccine helps protect against the 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria that most commonly cause serious infections in children and adults.

Who is the hot girl in the New Progressive commercial?

Her real name is Stephanie Courtney, a comedian and actress from Los Angeles who has taken the insurance world by storm. As Flo she was an overnight hit when Progressive introduced her in 2008.

How does Prevnar 13 work?

Prevnar® 13 is a pneumococcal vaccine that helps protect against 13 types of the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae. Prevnar 13 works by helping the body make its own antibodies against these bacteria.

Is Prevnar 13 good for life?

The vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal disease for many years. One of the most common causes of pneumonia is infection of the lungs with the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Who is Prevnar 13 recommended?

All adults 65 years or older should receive 1 dose of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23). In addition, CDC recommends PCV13 based on shared clinical decision-making for adults 65 years or older who do not have an immunocompromising condition†, cerebrospinal fluid leak, or cochlear implant.

Does Prevnar 13 have any side effects?

Reactions occurring in greater than 1% of infants and toddlers: diarrhea, vomiting, and rash. Reactions occurring in less than 1% of infants and toddlers: crying, hypersensitivity reaction (including face edema, dyspnea, and bronchospasm), seizures (including febrile seizures), and urticaria or urticaria-like rash.

Did Flo from Progressive get fired?

New Progressive Ad Leaves Out Flo Despite an ongoing rumor (given weight by pundits from credible publications such as BusinessInsider.com) that Flo from Progressive was going to be “killed off” or, in other words, cease to be used as the company’s spokesperson, Stephanie Courtney has continued her role as Flo.

Who is the actor who plays Jamie in the Progressive commercials?

Jim Cashman (actor)
Jim Cashman is an American actor and writer, known for his role as “Jamie” in television and radio commercials for the Progressive Corporation beginning in 2014.

Do I need both PCV13 and PPSV23?

Yes, receiving one dose of each vaccine is important to lower the risk of pneumonia. However, the CDC recommends against getting PCV13 and PPSV23 at exactly the same time. If you do need both vaccines, the CDC recommends getting PCV13 first, followed by a shot of PPSV23 at another visit.

How long is Prevnar 13 effective?

65 years old or older: two shots, which will last you the rest of your life. Between 2 and 64 years old: between one and three shots if you have certain immune system disorders or if you’re a smoker.