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Which is the best way to open a RAR file?

Which is the best way to open a RAR file?

On Windows Determine your Windows bit version. Open the WinRAR download page. Click your bit version’s download link. Double-click the WinRAR setup file. Install WinRAR. Go to your RAR file. Double-click the RAR file. Select the folder you want to open. Click Extract To. Select a destination. Click OK.

Which is data compression tool does WinRAR support?

WinRAR is a data compression tool for Windows that focuses on RAR and ZIP files. It also supports CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, Gzip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip

Where do I Find My RAR file on my iPhone?

Open the app in which the RAR file is stored, then tap the RAR file. It will “open” to a grey screen with the RAR file’s name in the middle of the screen. Because iPhones don’t have file managers, your RAR file is most likely in an email app or a cloud storage app.

How do I unzip a RAR file on my computer?

Go to your RAR file. Tap either SD or Internal, then navigate to the folder in which your RAR file is stored. Assuming you downloaded the RAR file, you’ll tap the Downloads folder, and then the folder for the app from which you downloaded it if necessary. Tap and hold the RAR file. A pop-up menu will appear after a second or so. Tap Unzip to….

What kind of archives can I use with WinRAR?

WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack and convert CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z, 7-Zip archives. WinRAR is available in over 40 languages.

Can a WinRAR file be compressed into a zip file?

WinRAR can compress multiple files or the entire folder into a file, sometime this is convenient for manage your files. WinRAR not only can compress the file into RAR format, but also compress the file into a common ZIP format, with RAR format the compression rate is high, with ZIP format the compression speed faster.