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Where can I find cruelty-free wool?

Where can I find cruelty-free wool?

Ethical merino wool does exist—but you’ll have to do your research. Check for labels like the Soil Association Organic Standards, the ZQ Merino Standard, and the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS).

What wool is cruelty-free?

Merino wool
Merino wool is a natural material originating from Australian Merino sheep. Despite wool’s undisputable sustainable qualities, there are careful ethical considerations to be made when choosing to use wool. Therefore, we only use cruelty free, certified mulesing free Merino wool.

Can you get cruelty-free wool?

A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude – as far as is possible and practicable – all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. So, on that basis alone, wool – obtained from any animal – cannot be classified as vegan.

Is Smart Wool an ethical brand?

The sheep producing the wool for your favorite Smartwool® socks or base layers are treated humanely, are well-fed, live natural and healthy lives, and are not subjected to harmful practices like mulesing. This means, you’re getting the highest-quality ethically sourced products and Merino wool.

Are there any companies that offer cruelty free wool?

Patagonia is another company that will offer only cruelty-free wool from Fall 2018 onwards; in the past, the brand has experimented with reclaimed wool and is now using its deadstock wool to avoid over-consumption.

What to look for when buying ethical wool?

Look for these things when buying ethical and cruelty-free wool: Traceable supply chain: Brand should know where their wool is coming from. If there is no information on the website, don’t be afraid to e-mail and ask. Transparency: Look for brands and suppliers that aren’t afraid to provide information about their sheep!

Where can I buy wool from rescue sheep?

Insouciant Hair are another US company who sell yarns from rescue sheep. Selling yarns via etsy, Wild Wool Farm not only allows you to see pictures of the sheep or goat your wool has come from, but also to ‘adopt’ them for a month.

Is the use of wool good for the environment?

Wool is one of the common fibres used in fabrics and different products, so it’s worth assessing. Summary – Is Wool Sustainable, Eco Friendly & Cruelty Free To Animals For Fibre, Fabrics & Products? Wool is usually not a good option if you do not support cruelty to animals, or animals being used to make products/fibres.