What was auset the goddess of?
What was auset the goddess of?
Auset – “Queen of Heaven,” “Giver of Life” and “Divine Mourner” – is the beloved sister and spouse of Ausar or Osiris (Greek), who served as King of Egypt before he became God of the underworld and the afterlife. …
Was auset a virgin?
She grieved over her beloved, not only because he was murdered but because they hadn’t consummated their marriage – Auset was still a virgin. The spirit of Ausar heard her cries and visited her in the night. Nine months later, Auset gave birth to Heru.
Who are the kemetic deities?
Followers of Kemetism generally worship a few gods (Maat, Bastet, Anubis, Sekhmet or Thoth, among others), but recognize the existence of every god. This worship generally takes the form of prayer and setting up altars, but there are no set guidelines for worship.
Who is the god of Kemet?
AUSAR~AUSET~HERU ~ Eldest of four offspring from the sky god (Geb) and the earth goddess (Nut), AUSAR (Greek “Osiris”) became wise lord and king of Kemet where he ruled successfully with AUSET (Greek “Isis”) as his wife.
Why do we use Kemetic names for the divinities?
In keeping with the spirit of the culture of Kemetic Spirituality, we will use the Kemetic names for the divinities through which we will bring forth the Philosophy of the Prt M Hru (Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead).
Why does Auset mummify pieces of her body?
Auset’ s mourning as she gathers and mummifies the pieces of her beloved’s body that Set has scattered throughout the land – or diaspora, in other words – becomes a hallmark of how this goddess came to be identified over the centuries by her numerous followers.
How is Auset related to the birth of Jesus?
Auset ’s awakening of Ausar from the dead and her posthumous conception of a son ( Heru) is echoed in the “virgin” birth of Jesus Christ and later resurrection from his tomb by Mary Magdalene after he lived a life performing miracles once ascribed to the Goddess.
Where did the cult of ASET originate from?
From Rome, the cult of Aset spread to Spain, Portugal, Gey, Gaul, Switzerland, and by way of Marseilles, to western North Africa.