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What style is the Gropius House?

What style is the Gropius House?

Modern architecture
Historic New England Gropius House/Architectural styles

Who built Gropius House?

Walter Gropius
Marcel Breuer
Historic New England Gropius House/Architects

Bauhaus to Harvard. Gropius House was built in 1938 by German architect Walter Gropius (1883-1969). He was thirty-five years old when he was appointed director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Weimar, Germany.

Where is the Gropius house built?

68 Baker Bridge Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts
The Gropius House is a historic house museum owned by Historic New England located at 68 Baker Bridge Road in Lincoln, Massachusetts, United States….Gropius House.

Gropius House, front view
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Location 68 Baker Bridge Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts
Significant dates

What are the main principles of Bauhaus?

The principles of Bauhaus

  • No border between artist and craftsman.
  • The artist is an exalted craftsman.
  • «Form follows function».
  • Gesamtkunstwerk or the ‘complete work of art’.
  • True materials.
  • Minimalism.
  • Emphasises on technology.
  • Smart use of resources.

Is Ikea Bauhaus?

While many think of IKEA as quintessentially Swedish, for instance, it’s Bauhaus we have to thank (or perhaps curse) for the store’s mass-produced, functional furniture. Bauhaus also revolutionised the way many architects conceptualize their work, using function or purpose as the starting point for designing buildings.

Is Bauhaus still a school?

The school closed in 1968, but the “Ulm Model” concept continues to influence international design education. The influence of the Bauhaus on design education was significant.

How do you identify modern architecture?


  1. Clean, minimal lines.
  2. Broad roof overhangs.
  3. Walls of glass and large windows.
  4. Open and well-defined floorplans.
  5. Modern and traditional building materials.
  6. A relationship to the outside environment.
  7. Asymmetrical designs.

How many rooms did the Gropius House have?

Because the works displayed in the Gropius House changed frequently, the wood served as an easy surface to nail into, patch, repaint, and start over again. The home contains a combined living and dining room, a kitchen, office, sewing room, three bedrooms, and four bathrooms.

Where was the Gropius House in Lincoln MA?

The Gropius House was the family residence of architect Walter Gropius at 68 Baker Bridge Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts.

How big was the lawn in the Gropius House?

Gropius wanted the outdoor space around the home to be an equally “civilized area” and created a lawn that extended twenty feet around the entire house, with a perennial garden expanding in the south by the porch.

Who was Walter Gropius and what did he do?

Walter Gropius, founder of the German design school known as the Bauhaus, was one of the most influential architects of the twentieth century. He designed Gropius House as his family home when he came to teach architecture at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. Modest in scale, the house was revolutionary in impact.