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What is the pincer effect?

What is the pincer effect?

: the tendency of a linear solid or fluid electrical conductor (as a rod or a column of ionized gas) to be compressed due to the action of its own magnetic field.

What pincer means?

Definition of pincer 1a pincers plural : an instrument having two short handles and two grasping jaws working on a pivot and used for gripping things. b : a claw (as of a lobster) resembling a pair of pincers : chela.

Why is the pincer grasp important?

This skill usually develops in babies around 9 to 10 months old. The pincer grasp is an important fine-motor milestone. Children use their pincer grasp to pick things up and feed themselves, and it lays the foundation for a good pencil grip when they start school.

What is pincer approach?

The pincer movement, or double envelopment, is a military maneuver in which forces simultaneously attack both flanks (sides) of an enemy formation. At the same time, a second layer of pincers may attack the more distant flanks to keep reinforcements from the target units.

Which is the best definition of the pinch effect?

pinch effect. n. Radial constriction of flowing plasma or other matter carrying an electric current, caused by the magnetic field that is produced by the current.

What does a full pincer movement lead to?

A full pincer movement leads to the attacking army facing the enemy in front, on both flanks, and in the rear. If attacking pincers link up in the enemy’s rear, the enemy is encircled.

What is the dictionary definition of a pincer?

English Language Learners Definition of pincer : a small tool that is used for holding or gripping small objects : a claw of a lobster or crab and some insects See the full definition for pincer in the English Language Learners Dictionary

When to use’affect’or’effect’in a sentence?

‘Affect’ is most commonly found as a verb. ‘Effect’ is almost always a noun. Read on to learn about when these rules switch.
