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What is the philosophy of Reggio Emilia approach?

What is the philosophy of Reggio Emilia approach?

The Reggio Emilia Philosophy is an innovative and inspiring approach to early childhood education, which values the child as strong, capable and resilient; rich with wonder and knowledge.

What did Reggio Emilia believe?

The Reggio Emilia approach is based on the belief that we learn through making connections between things, concepts and experiences. We make these connections through interaction with others and the environment we are in.

What was Loris Malaguzzi theory?

Loris Malaguzzi is best known for his instrumental role in the creation and development of the Reggio Emilia approach — the child-centered early educational philosophy that hinges on the belief that children are powerful and capable individuals, with the ability and desire to construct their own knowledge.

What are the core values of Reggio Emilia?

Key Reggio Emilia Principles

  • 1)Children are capable to construct their own learning.
  • 2)Children are collaborators and learn through interaction within their communities.
  • 3)Children are natural communicators and should be encouraged to express themselves however they feel they can.

What is the goal of Reggio Emilia?

The aim of the Reggio approach is to teach how to use these symbolic languages (e.g. painting, sculpting, drama) in everyday life. The children are viewed as the controlling factor in this philosophy. They are valued as strong, capable, resilient and rich with wonder and knowledge.

What are the Reggio principles?

The fundamental principles of the Reggio philosophy are centred upon the image of the child, the hundred languages of children, the role of the teacher, reciprocal relationships, a pedagogy of listening, and the environment as third teacher.

What is Reggio teaching?

The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy and pedagogy focused on preschool and primary education. This approach is a student-centered and constructivist self-guided curriculum that uses self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments.

Is Malaguzzi a theorist?

Loris Malaguzzi is the theorist BEHIND the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood learning.

Is Reggio Emilia a curriculum?

Is Reggio Emilia play based?

Named after the city in northern Italy in which it emerged after World War II, Reggio Emilia is an educational philosophy that prioritizes play-based, hands-on learning over a prescribed curriculum.

What are Reggio Emilia’s key principles of based on?

The Reggio Emilia model focuses heavily on social collaboration, encouraging children to work in groups and develop knowledge through communicating with others. A child’s environment is also their teacher. A child learns just as much from the environment they are in as they do from their parents and teachers.

What is the role of the teacher in Reggio Emilia?

The Teacher’s Role Teachers play a dual role in the Reggio Emilia classroom. Their primary role is to learn alongside children, becoming involved in group learning experiences as a guide and resource. A Reggio Emilia teacher must always carefully observe and track the growth of children and the classroom community.

What is the philosophy of the Reggio Emilia school?

Theory, influences and philosophy: The Reggio way. In developing the Reggio Emilia approach, educators in Reggio have actively sought, researched, discussed and analysed a wide range of ideas, opinions and theories of sociology, psychology and philosophy of education.

What was the Manifesto of the Reggio Emilia approach?

A manifesto of the Reggio Emilia Approach is the poem written by Loris Malaguzzi, Instead The Hundred is There, a poem voicing the idea of child at the centre of this educational approach – a child equipped with 100 languages.

Where can I find information on Reggio Emilia?

In an effort to strengthen access to resources related to the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy, the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA) features this listing of articles recommended by Lella Gandini, Reggio Children liaison in the U.S. for dissemination of the Reggio Emilia approach, and available to download.

What are the benefits of Reggio Emilia for children?

The Reggio Emilia philosophy can have many positive benefits for young children. One benefit in particular, is that this approach allows children to build confidence. By putting children in charge of their own learning, they let their imaginations take them to new heights.