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What is the best way to dry garden herbs?

What is the best way to dry garden herbs?

Hang the herb bunches in a warm, dry, well-ventilated area out of the sun. A garage, shed, barn or well ventilated attic work well. It may take up to a month for herbs to dry completely. Tray drying is another method that works well with short stemmed herbs or for individual leaves.

When should I dry my garden herbs?

Herbs like basil, chives and mint contain more moisture and it’s best to dry them in a dehydrator or oven. An herb’s flavor is most pronounced just before the plant begins to flower.

How do you preserve garden herbs?

Options for freezing herbs

  1. Place a few sprigs or leaves in freezer wrap or in an airtight freezer container.
  2. Spread on a tray or cookie sheet and place in the freezer. When frozen solid, pack into airtight containers.
  3. To use in soups or stew, dice washed herbs and pack into ice cube trays. Fill the spaces with water.

When and how to use dried herbs?

You can begin using your herbs once the drying and storage process is complete: When you want to use your herbs in cooking, simply pull out a stem and crumble the leaves into the pot. Use about 1 teaspoon crumbled dried leaves in place of a tablespoon of fresh herbs. Dried herbs are best used within a year. As your herbs lose their color, they are also losing their flavor.

How to dry fresh herbs in a microwave?

How to Dry Herbs in the Microwave Spread the Herbs Pick the leaves off the herbs and spread them on a microwave-safe plate lined with 2 layers of paper towels or a clean kitchen towel.* Cover and Microwave Cover the herbs with a second paper towel or clean dish towel, then microwave them on high power. Store or Grind

How to dry herbs DIY?

How To Dry Fresh Herbs Prep. Start by rinsing your fresh herbs thoroughly. Lay them out on a paper towel and pat them dry. Dry. Put your tray of herbs into your oven at the lowest possible temperature (150-170 degrees, depending on your oven). Store. Once your herbs have dried out, you can break them down into flakes using one of two methods.

How can I store my herbs?

How to Store Herbs Store Herbs in Airtight Containers. Store your dried herbs in airtight containers. Small canning jars work nicely. Label and Date Containers. Label and date your containers. Discard Any Moldy Herbs. Discard any dried herbs that show the slightest sign of mold. It will only spread. Place Containers in a Cool, Dry Spot