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What is the best counter for phantom assassin?

What is the best counter for phantom assassin?

Phantom Assassin is a very squishy hero that needs to annihilate his opponents as soon as possible, so a stun can easily lead to her death. Complete this item only after getting a counter for evasion or you will just waste the stun duration – instead, a Skull Basher is a reliable option in the mid game.

What heroes can counter phantom assassin?

Phantom AssassinCounters

Hero Dis. Hero Win Rate
Templar Assassin 1.47% 45.44%
Timbersaw 1.38% 47.65%
Earth Spirit 1.36% 48.29%
Terrorblade 1.19% 47.85%

What items are good against phantom assassin?

Coup de Grace. Monkey King Bar, the items that greatly counters Phantom Assassin. Battle Trance completely negates Phantom Assassin’s large damage output, preventing Troll Warlord from dying easily. The lifesteal also allows Troll Warlord to restore much of his health.

Where do you get the butterfly in Dota 2?

The Butterfly is an item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Weapons. However, it can only be completed with items from the Secret Shop . For strength heroes, it grants 5 armor, 60 attack speed and 25 attack damage. For agility heroes, it grants 5 armor, 60 attack speed and 55 attack damage.

How to play Phantom assassin Dota 2 build guide?

[Divine] How to play Phantom Assassin! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thank you for reading! Through a process of divination, children are selected for upbringing by the Sisters of the Veil, an order that considers assassination a sacred part of the natural order. The Veiled Sisters identify targets through meditation and oracular utterances.

Is there a counter to the Phantom assassin?

Morphling’s high armor serves as a direct counter to Phantom Assassin, causing her attacks to do far less damage. She is also very vulnerable to burst damage, and can be brought down quickly using his Ethereal Blade and Adaptive Strike combo.

How does Phantom Strike work in Dota 2?

Since Phantom Strike can be used through magic immunity, items like Black King Bar and abilities such as Rage won’t be a problem for you. And the ability that makes you a pain to heroes that rely on regular attacks, Blur, is going to be maxed out last since only a point early does more than enough.