What is PerfView?
What is PerfView?
PerfView is a performance analysis tool focusing on ETW information (ETL files) as well as CLR memory information (heap dumps). It can collect and view ETL in a variety of ways. Powerful grouping operators allow you to understand performance profiles in ways other tools can’t.
How do I get PerfView?
To collect event trace data
- Open PerfView.exe.
- On the Collect menu, choose Collect.
- Set the Data file field to the path and name of the log file in which to store the trace event data.
- Choose Advanced options.
- In the Additional providers field, type Microsoft-DynamicsNAV-Server.
How do I capture ETL traces?
Run PerfView
- Right-click on PerfView.exe in Windows Explorer and choose Run as administrator as admin.
- On the Collect menu, choose Collect.
- Check Zip, Merge, and ThreadTime.
- Increase Circular MB to 1000.
- Change Current Dir to save ETL traces to a specified folder and Data File if you are going to collect more than once.
Which of the following best describes a function of PerfView?
PerfView was designed to collect and analyze both CPU and memory scenarios. It provides the following features: Enables you to diagnose the cause of excessive CPU use: GC Stats view for understanding the garbage collection costs in your app.
What is dotMemory?
dotMemory allows you to analyze memory usage in a variety of . NET and . NET Core applications: desktop applications, Windows services, ASP.NET web applications, IIS, IIS Express, arbitrary . NET processes, and more.
What is VMMap?
VMMap is a process virtual and physical memory analysis utility. It shows a breakdown of a process’s committed virtual memory types as well as the amount of physical memory (working set) assigned by the operating system to those types.
How do I run an Xperf file?
You can run Performance Analyzer directly by using the Xperf view command from the command line or by running Performance Analyzer from the Start menu. When you open the trace, you will see something similar to the following screen shot.
Can Wireshark read ETL file?
The file generated by ndiscap is an etl file, which can be opened by ETW-centric tools like Microsoft Message Analyzer, but cannot be opened by Wireshark, which is the preferred tool for many engineers.
What program opens an ETL file?
ETL files can be read using Tracerpt and Event Viewer. Microsoft Windows records application and system-level warnings, errors or other events to a binary file called the event trace log, or ETL, which can then be used to troubleshoot potential problems.
What is Perfmon used for?
Performance Monitor (PerfMon) is a tool that comes built-in with Windows and allows you to look into the performance of your system and the applications that are running on it. It gives you a way to view data points that are associated with these applications and link them with the effect they have on your system.
How do I use Windows Performance Monitoring?
Open Start, do a search for Performance Monitor, and click the result. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command, type perfmon, and click OK to open. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu, select Computer Management, and click on Performance.
Is rider better than Visual Studio?
Faster build time: Rider can improve the build time drastically as compared to Visual Studio by applying heuristics to only build the projects that need to be updated. It can be a real performance booster for large solutions.
What is perfview and what does it do?
PerfView is a portable application designed to simplify the collection/analysis of CPU and memory-related performance data. PerfView is geared towards app developers and contains all the essential tools required for ETW information (ETL files) and CLR memory data (heap dumps) analysis.
How to change the directory in perfview?
In PerfView, use the left pane to locate the .etl file that you want to view. The left pane displays the current directory and the files that PerfView is set up to browse. To change a directory, choose a subdirectory from the list or type the directory (for example, c:\\PerfLogs) in the text box at the top of the pane.
Where do I find the ETL File in perfview?
Go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=313428, and then follow the instructions to download and install PerfView. Open PerfView.exe. In PerfView, use the left pane to locate the .etl file that you want to view. The left pane displays the current directory and the files that PerfView is set up to browse.
How to use perfview to collect event trace data?
Open PerfView.exe. In PerfView, use the left pane to locate the .etl file that you want to view. The left pane displays the current directory and the files that PerfView is set up to browse. To change a directory, choose a subdirectory from the list or type the directory (for example, c:\\PerfLogs) in the text box at the top of the pane.