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What is LTP allergy?

What is LTP allergy?

Lipid Transfer Protein Syndrome is an allergy affecting people who have become sensitised to LTPs. They may thus react to vegetables, fruits, nuts or cereals. It is not known how many people have this allergy. The condition is more common in adults and is thought to be quite rare in children.

What are LTP foods?

Background: Lipid transfer protein (LTP) is a widely cross-reacting plant pan-allergen. Adverse reactions to Rosaceae, tree nuts, peanut, beer, maize, mustard, asparagus, grapes, mulberry, cabbage, dates, orange, fig, kiwi, lupine, fennel, celery, tomato, eggplant, lettuce, chestnut and pineapple have been recorded.

Is it possible to be allergic to beer?

True beer allergies are rare. The many ingredients in beer make an allergy to one of the specific ingredients more likely. You may also have a food sensitivity rather than an allergy. Alcohol intolerance is another possibility.

What allergens are in beers?

Keg Beers, Stouts and Lagers – Contains a number of cereals including barley, wheat, rye and oats. Yeast is also included as are Isinglass finings that are fish based, but this is excluded as an allergen by the EU.

What should I carry if I have LTP allergy?

Therefore people with LTP allergy should always carry prescribed medication. An inhaler should be carried if asthma is also a problem. People who are at risk of severe reactions are usually prescribed adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs), which must be carried at all times. Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical attention.

When does an allergic reaction to LTP occur?

Reactions to LTPs can occur after eating raw or cooked food. They usually start within 30 minutes of eating and can include tingling and swelling of the lips, mouth, face and eyes, hives (nettle rash), stomach ache, nausea, vomiting and, occasionally anaphylaxis (the term for a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction).

What foods contain higher levels of LTP allergen?

The following foods are likely to contain higher levels of LTP allergen: 1 Foods made using whole unpeeled fruits or vegetable. 2 Concentrated, processed, preserved or fermented fruits, vegetables or cereals. 3 Dried fruit peel.

What foods can you eat if you have LTP?

Common foods involved in LTP allergy in the UK include hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, apples, dried fruit, lettuce, tomatoes and foods containing concentrated forms of tomato such as pizza. The key message for people who know or believe they are allergic to a food is: See your GP as soon as possible.