What is Klez malware?
What is Klez malware?
Klez is a computer worm that propagates via e-mail. It first appeared in October 2001. Klez infects Microsoft Windows systems, exploiting a vulnerability in Internet Explorer’s Trident layout engine, used by both Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express to render HTML mail.
What is the Klez virus and how does it work?
Here’s how it works: a victim receives an infected e-mail and clicks the attachment or previews the message. Klez then copies itself to the victim’s hard drive, infects random files, and looks for e-mail addresses to send itself to, and–more importantly–disabling anti-virus software.
Who made Klez virus?
Symantec, which has upgraded the Klez worm and its variations to a level four threat (on a scale of five), offers a special software tool to remove the worm. Klez is thought to have originated in Asia, possibly in the Guangdong province of China, where Code Red is thought to have originated.
How did Klez use spoofing?
Klez uses a technique known as “spoofing.” The worm exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express and randomly selects an address that it finds on an infected computer. It uses this address as the “FROM” address that it uses when it performs its mass-mailing routine.
What kind of virus is Klez H Virus?
Virus name: Klez-H (also known as W32/Klez-H). Status: Real. Origins: W32/Klez-H is a variant of Klez, a Win32 worm that carries a compressed version of the W32.ElKern.4926 virus which it copies to the Windows Program Files directory and executes.
Is the klez.h worm safe to use?
A week after its discovery Klez.H is globally spread. This worm, like its previous versions sends email messages with randomly named attachments and subject fields. Based on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either move the file to the quarantine where it cannot spread or cause harm, or remove it.
What’s the difference between klez.h and W32?
F-Secure Virus Research Team found the following differences in Klez.H variant compared to its previous versions: There’s no payload routine. The .PDF extension was added to the list of extensions that the worm uses to make a double-extension name for its file.
What are the symptoms of a H pylori infection?
1 Ulcers. H. pylori can damage the protective lining of your stomach and small intestine. 2 Inflammation of the stomach lining. H. pylori infection can irritate your stomach, causing inflammation (gastritis). 3 Stomach cancer. H. pylori infection is a strong risk factor for certain types of stomach cancer.