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What is Energy Plus used for?

What is Energy Plus used for?

EnergyPlus™ is a whole building energy simulation program that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model both energy consumption—for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and plug and process loads—and water use in buildings.

How does energy plus work?

Based on a user’s description of a building from the perspective of the building’s physical make-up, associated mechanical systems, etc., EnergyPlus will calculate the heating and cooling loads necessary to maintain thermal control setpoints, conditions throughout an secondary HVAC system and coil loads, and the energy …

Is energy plus open source?

EnergyPlus™ is DOE’s open-source whole-building energy modeling (BEM) engine, the successor to DOE-2.1E.

Who uses EnergyPlus?

11.3. EnergyPlus is another building simulation program commonly used by researchers and designers. In recent years an important effort has been made in order to include the capability to simulate the inclusion of PCM in building walls.

What do you need to know about EnergyPlus?

Although it is important to note what EnergyPlus is, it is also important to remember what it is not. EnergyPlus is not a user interface. It is intended to be the simulation engine around which a third-party interface can be wrapped. Inputs and outputs are simple ASCII text that is decipherable but best left to a GUI (graphical user interface).

Where did the idea for EnergyPlus come from?

EnergyPlus has its roots in both the BLAST and DOE-2 programs. BLAST (Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics) and DOE-2 were both developed and released in the late 1970s and early 1980s as energy and load simulation tools.

Which is the best simulation program Doe 2 or EnergyPlus?

EnergyPlus is a new generation simulation program built upon the best features of DOE- 2 2 and BLAST, and adds new modeling features beyond the two programs. With DOE-2’s limitations in modeling emerging technologies, more modelers, especially in academia and research community]

When did the first EnergyPlus tool come out?

What is EnergyPlus?[LINK] EnergyPlus has its roots in both the BLAST and DOE-2 programs. BLAST (Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics) and DOE-2 were both developed and released in the late 1970s and early 1980s as energy and load simulation tools.