What is an Article 15-6?
What is an Article 15-6?
Authority: AR 15-6 sets forth procedures for conducting informal and formal investigations. Only informal investigations will be discussed here. Informal investigations are those that usually have a single investigating officer who conducts interviews and collects evidence.
What army regulation covers 15-6 investigations?
Army Regulation 15-6, Procedures for Investigating Officers and Boards of Officers, outlines the requirements for officers who have been selected by an appointing authority to conduct fact finding on a specific regulation or standard that has been violated.
Do I have to give a sworn statement army?
Although AR 15-6 does not require that statements be sworn for informal investigations, the appointing authority, or other applicable regulation, may require sworn statements, or the investigating officer may, at his or her own discretion, ask for sworn statements, even where not specifically required.
How long can a military investigation last?
If on the other hand a military investigation is being handled by the branch specific military law enforcement, those investigations can last a few months, up to several months, and even as far as over a year depending upon the nature of the allegation.
Can I get an honorable discharge with an Article 15?
Under certain circumstances, however, a Soldier need not complete their full term of service to receive an Honorable Discharge, so long as the discharge is not due to misconduct. Recipients of General Discharges usually have engaged in minor misconduct or have received nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ.
How do you start a 15-6 investigation?
Initiating a 15-6 investigation is easy. The initiating authority usually asks their legal officer to draft an appointment memorandum that explains what the investigation will be focused on (appointment memo examples can be found in AR 15-6). Then, he/she picks someone to be the 15-6 Investigating Officer (IO).
What is AR 15-6 investigation?
An AR 15-6 investigation is used to ascertain facts and report them to the appropriate appointing authority.
Who can conduct a 15-6 investigation?
Generally speaking, Commanders initiate a 15-6 Investigation. There are situations when a civilian or a non-Commander can appoint one as well.
Can a Soldier ETS while flagged?
Soldiers flagged for APFT failure who are permanently changing station (PCS) or have expiring terms of service (ETS) are not authorized to be recommended for or receive awards while they are flagged.
Can OSI lie to you?
The short answer is that yes, military investigators and police can lie to you. Police and military investigators can lie to you. Not only are they allowed to do this, they often will intentionally mislead you to see how you respond or to get information out of you.
How serious is an Article 15?
BUT, did you know that an Article 15 has long-lasting effects? For example, an Article 15 could become the basis for an administrative discharge, and result in a negative service characterization. If that is the case, it could affect your Veteran benefits, and will be reflected on your DD214.
Will an Article 15 show up on a background check?
An Article 15 is Non-Judicial Punishment so it is not a federal conviction. Therefore, it will not show up on an National Crime Information Center (NCIC) or similar criminal background check. You may be required to disclose NJP for certain federal jobs and for a security clearances, but would be reported by you.
What are the provisions of Army Regulation 15-6?
appointed under the provisions of Army Regulation (AR) 15-6, in conducting timely, thorough, and legally sufficient investigations. It is designed specifically for informal investigations, but some provisions are applicable to formal investigations. It may also be used by legal advisors responsible for advising IOs.
What can a 15-6 investigation look into?
A 15-6 Investigation can be appointed to look into any situation; however, there are certain types of investigations that must be conducted by CID (i.e. sexual assaults) or the Military Police. Initiating a 15-6 investigation is easy.
How is an informal investigation conducted under AR 15-6?
AR 15-6 sets forth procedures for conducting informal and formal investigations. Only informal investigations will be discussed here. Informal investigations are those that usually have a single investigating officer who conducts interviews and collects evidence.
Do you have to give sworn statement in AR 15-6?
Although AR 15-6 does not require that statements be sworn for informal investigations. the appointing authority, or other applicable regulation, may require sworn statements, or the investigating officer may, at his or her own discretion, ask for sworn statements, even where not specifically required.