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What is a sentence for sagacious?

What is a sentence for sagacious?

Sagacious sentence example. The army had appeared a hard master when it ent its strength to a wise and sagacious rule. Step by step, with sagacious and patient accuracy, he advanced to the great discovery which has immortalized his name.

What is an example of sagacious?

The definition of sagacious is someone with sound judgment. An example of sagacious is someone checking the oil in their car before a long road trip. Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness; mentally shrewd.

What does sagacious mean synonym?

Frequently Asked Questions About sagacious Some common synonyms of sagacious are astute, perspicacious, and shrewd. While all these words mean “acute in perception and sound in judgment,” sagacious suggests wisdom, penetration, and farsightedness.

How do you use sagacity in a sentence?

He has shown constant sagacity and good judgment, not to mention good temper and other personal qualities. With great political sagacity, my party went to the country when all the demands for increased rates were being delivered to householders.

Who is a sagacious person?

sagacious Add to list Share. Use the formal adjective sagacious to describe someone who is wise and insightful like an advisor to the president or a Supreme Court justice. Someone like an inspirational leader or an expert in a field who seeks knowledge and has foresight can be described as sagacious.

How do you use sagacious?

Sagacious in a Sentence ?

  1. Wise and full of insight, the sagacious leader would live on to better the world.
  2. Many agree that replacing typewriters with computers is a sagacious idea because computers make typing, editing, and proofreading easier.
  3. I saw this sagacious dog on television that could add and subtract numbers!

What is a sagacious woman?

In Webster’s; the word Sagacious means having a keen mental discernment and sharp judgment. Another description would be having a great practical sense about oneself or being shrewd. A woman well known for her virtue, her wisdom, her love and her giving. These are women of great value in God’s eyes.

What is the meaning of sagaciously?

1a : of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment : discerning sagacious judge of character. b : caused by or indicating acute discernment sagacious purchase of stock. 2 obsolete : keen in sense perception.

What is the definition of the word sagacious?

The definition of sagacious is someone with sound judgment.

What does it mean to be a sagacious lawyer?

having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: a sagacious lawyer. Obsolete.

Which is sagacious, strong-armed, or prudent?

The strong-armed and the sagacious can take care of themselves. Some of the latter, included among the occasional works, are sagacious and prudent and deserve careful study. Another principle, I think, will be found to be universal with them, instead of sagacious reasoning. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?

Which is an example of a sagacious habit?

Sharon’s sagacious habit of checking her car’s oil level every month keeps it running in top form. The definition of sagacious is someone with sound judgment. An example of sagacious is someone checking the oil in their car before a long road trip. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by LoveToKnow Corp “Sagacious.”