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What is a jockey pump and what is its main purpose?

What is a jockey pump and what is its main purpose?

A jockey pump, also know as a pressure maintenance pump, maintains the pressure in the fire sprinkler system to avoid non-emergency starting of the main fire pump. This keeps the main fire pump from short cycling, which shortens its life span.

What is the function of jockey pump in fire hydrant system?

Overview. A fire suppression system normally uses two pumps, a main and robust fire pump that delivers large volumes of water to the fire standpipe system and a small low flow, high pressure pump that keeps the fire system pressurized during non-fire conditions and prevent unnecessary cycling of the main fire pump.

What do you mean by jockey pump?

A jockey pump is a small pump connected to a fire sprinkler system and is intended to maintain pressure in a fire protection piping system to an artificially high level so that the operation of a single fire sprinkler will cause a pressure drop which will be sensed by the fire pump automatic controller, causing the …

Why is it called a jockey pump?

What is a jockey pump and why does it carry that title? Picture a horse race. There is a small guy riding on top of (or above) a large horse. Hence the name “jockey pump.” The purpose of a jockey pump is to maintain pressure in a fire protection piping system so the larger fire pump does not need to run.

Is standard for jockey pump?

The capacity of the jockey pump shall neither be less than 3 percent (with a minimum of 180 l/rein) nor more than 10 percent of the installed pumping capacity. 6.7 Pumps (other than Jockey pumps) should be able to develop head of greater than 65 percent of rated head at capacity of 150 percent of rated capacity.

How many types of pump are there?

There are three basic types of pumps: positive-displacement, centrifugal and axial-flow pumps. In centrifugal pumps the direction of flow of the fluid changes by ninety degrees as it flows over impeller, while in axial flow pumps the direction of flow is unchanged.

What’s the use of jockey pump?

A jockey pump is a small pump connected to a fire sprinkler system to maintain pressure in the sprinkler pipes. This is to ensure that if a fire-sprinkler is activated, there will be a pressure drop, which will be sensed by the fire pumps automatic controller, which will cause the fire pump to start.

Why do we need a jockey pump?

How is jockey pump calculated?

A rule of thumb for sizing jockey pump supplying underground piping is to use 1% of the fire pump rated capacity. For example: A fire pump with rated capacity of 1500 gpm. Then the jockey pump flow rate is 1500 gpm * 1% = 15 gpm.

What is rated pump capacity?

Normal pump capacity is the capacity that the pump will operate at most of the time when in operation. On the other hand, rated pump capacity is the capacity that is guaranteed by the manufacturer, or, the capacity that the pump is designed for.

What is the jockey pump and what is its function?

The Jockey Pump (JP) or Pressure Maintenance Pumps (PMP) as they are known today actually serve a very important role in the fire pump system as well as the complete fire protection system. Many engineers and installers ask (What is a Jockey Pump and what is the function of this pump within the fire protection system?)

Can a jockey pump be used in a sprinkler system?

A jockey pump is sized for a flow less than the flow to one sprinkler in order to ensure a system pressure drop. Jockey pumps are typically small multistage centrifugal pumps, and do not have to be listed or certified for fire system application. The control equipment for jockey pumps may however carry approvals.

How does a jockey pump work in a fire hydrant?

It is designed to keep the pressure in the system elevated to a specific level when the system is not in use, so that the fire pump doesn’t have to run all the time and the system doesn’t go off randomly. It can also help prevent the system from damage when a fire happens and water rushes into the pipes.

What kind of Inspection does a jockey pump need?

The application of a jockey pump in a fire protection system is provided by NFPA 20. They are inspected per NFPA 25 “Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems”.