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What holsters fit a Walther PPX?

What holsters fit a Walther PPX?

If deeper concealment is your goal, you can select a Walther PPX IWB holster from our Cloak Tuck line. Choose a classic leather IWB with the Cloak Tuck, or go with the ultra-modern Cloak Tuck 3.0.

Is the Walther PPX discontinued?

The PPX is gone from the Walther German website but not the US site. That could be because it is out of production there and the remaining surplus of PPXs are still for sale in the US. The term used in U.S. sales parlance is to “flush them out”.

What holster does Glock recommend?

Compare Best Glock 19 Holsters

Product Type Hand Orientation
1. Concealment Express IWB KYDEX IWB Left & Right
2. Tulster Glock IWB Holster IWB Left & Right
3. Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.5 IWB Left & Right
4. Bianchi 57 Remedy Holster OWB Right

What is a size 3 holster?

SIZE 3: Fits most Sub-Compact Sized handguns. Example: Glock 42/43, Ruger LC9, Springfield XDS, S&W Shield and similar.

What does Walther PPX stand for?

Police Pistol Xtreme
PPX stands for Police Pistol Xtreme. The pistol at first sight does not strike one as being a pistol fit for being carried on a duty holster by Police, or even by any security force.

Does the Walther PPX 9mm have a safety?

The PPX has no external safety levers or buttons. It does contain two internal drop safeties plus a firing pin block safety. The PPX is listed by Walther as having a factory trigger pull of 6 pounds, 8 ounces.

Is it hard to conceal carry a Glock 19?

It’s big enough to give the full-size guns a run for their money in terms of controllability and magazine capacity, but it’s small enough to conceal. But it’s also not unconformable for someone with smaller-sized hands (sheepishly raises hand) to shoot and feel comfortable carrying daily.

Is Glock 19 a good carry gun?

If you are looking for a firearm that carries well, has an excellent magazine capacity and is reliable, I can heartily recommend the Glock 19. It’s a firearm that has served me well thus far and I anticipate using for many more years to come.

What size Blackhawk holster for Glock 17?

BLACKHAWK Serpa CQC Belt Loop and Paddle Holster For Glock 17/22/31 Right Hand Black

Size Size 00 – Glock 17/22/31
Hand Orientation Right
Material Other
Style Serpa CQC

Where is Versacarry located?

VERSACARRY – Sporting Goods – 1003 N Earl Rudder Fwy, Bryan, TX – Phone Number – Yelp.

Is Walther a good gun?

The guns from Walther are popular with European police and foreign militaries, but their success in these overseas markets hasn’t translated into a similar interest here in America. That’s a shame because the Walther pistols are excellent guns ‒ probably the best service pistols you’ve never fired.

Is a Glock 19 a good concealed?

Essentially, this versatile, compact 9mm is a “goldilocks gun” – it’s not too big, not too small, not too expensive, but just right. Affordability, reliability, and all the right characteristics for an inside the waistband concealed carry holster make it America’s favorite gun for concealed carry.