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What gun do you use to hunt javelina?

What gun do you use to hunt javelina?

Russ with a nice javelina that he shot at 280 yards using his . 260 custom rifle. Justin with a javelina that he shot using a . 270 at 150 yards….

Javelina Hunt Options # Days Rate
Archery deer/javelina combo (2 on 1) 5* $3,250.00/person
Archery deer/javelina combo (1 on 1) 5* $3,750.00/person

What is the best unit to hunt javelina in Arizona?

The Picacho Mountains: This area currently has the largest herds and the greatest number of javelina herds in the unit. Hunting will be good anywhere around the bottom of Newman Peak in the lower foothills.

Can you shoot a javelina in Arizona?

Javelina are classified as a big game species. It is unlawful to injure or kill game animals, even if they are causing a problem, unless certain rigorous provisions under the law have been met. See Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting Regulations. It is unlawful to trap javelina.

What does javelina taste like?

It tastes a bit like rat…they’re cousins, you know. If it’s fixed right, and if you can get over the thought of eating rat, it’s not too bad.

What kind of rifle do you need for a javelina?

RIFLE CARTRIDGES that we recommend for javelina are .25 caliber and up, such as: .25-06, .257, 6.5, .260, .270, .280, 7mm-08, .308, .30-06, and .300 WSM. Regardless of what people say on the internet sites, blogs and social media, Javelina are very tough animals and often get away injured from smaller cartridges.

Is it illegal to shoot a javelina in Arizona?

See Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunting Regulations. It is unlawful to trap javelina. State law prohibits firing a gun within a quarter-mile of an occupied residence or building without the permission of the owner.

Is there a bag limit for javelina hunting?

Our bag limit is one javelina per person per hunt. If a hunter has not tagged by the scheduled end of hunt, there is sometimes an option of paying at a daily rate thereafter. Non-Hunter Fee: Some hunters like to bring along a buddy to camp and share the experience while they hunt.

What’s the best way to get rid of a javelina?

To discourage a javelina, immediately. Scare off animals by making loud noises (bang pots, yell, stomp on the floor, etc.); throwing small rocks in their direction; or spraying with vinegar, water from a garden hose, or large squirt gun filled with diluted household ammonia (1 part ammonia, and 9 parts water).