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What Egyptian god is Jesus?

What Egyptian god is Jesus?

Some Christians also may have conflated stories about the Egyptian god Osiris with the resurrection of Jesus. The title of kosmokrateros (“Ruler of the Cosmos”), which was eventually applied to Jesus, had previously been borne by Serapis.

What does the Egyptian god Horus represent?

Horus, Egyptian Hor, Har, Her, or Heru, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing.

How are the lives of Horus and Jesus similar?

Claimed parallels between Horus and Jesus. Conspiracy theories are abound with the similarities between the lives of Horus and Jesus given below are the hypothesized claims: Both are conceived through a virgin. Both are the ‘only begotten Son of God.’ Horus’s foster father was Jo-Seph, and Jesus’s earthly father was Joseph.

Who was the god Horus in ancient Egypt?

Horus was considered a god in ancient Egypt, a manifestation or aspect of their supreme God Ra. Jesus (for whom no image or description of his appearance exists) is/was considered: A Jewish prophet by Jewish Christians in the first century CE, As a man-god by later Christians, and

How are Osiris and Horus similar and different?

◆ The ancient pharaohs of Egypt believed that they were the living representation of Horus, whereas after their death in the after-life they represented Osiris. Horus is one of the best-known avian gods from the ancient Egyptian Dynastic period, the Pre-dynastic rulers of Egypt were known as ‘Followers of Horus’. Would you like to write for us?

Are there any parallels between Noah and the Horus?

There are parallels between Sumerian myths and later ones…like the epic of Gilgamesh which is quite similar to the latter day Noah and his ark…but what does that prove ?…that old campfire tales travel well….every concept of christianity has had several proto concepts way before jebus appeared…. The Horus + Jesus idea predates the internet.