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What does Inaptitude mean?

What does Inaptitude mean?

noun. lack of aptitude; unfitness. unskillfulness; lack of dexterity.

What is an unfathomable person?

adjective. If you use unfathomable to describe a person or the expression on their face, you mean that you cannot tell what they are thinking or what they intend to do. [literary] …a strange, unfathomable and unpredictable individual.

What is the synonym of ineptitude?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ineptitude, like: incompetence, inability, worthlessness, clumsiness, ungracefulness, awkwardness, ineptness, bungling, maladroitness, slowness and worth.

How do you use ineptitude in a sentence?

Ineptitude sentence example Politicians almost invariably show blundering ineptitude when running the economy. Instead it was a method of erecting signs that was beyond careless or inconsistent – it was sheer ineptitude .

Is ineptness a word?

adj. 1. Lacking or showing a lack of skill or competence; bungling or clumsy: an inept actor; an inept performance.

What does ineffectiveness mean?

1 : not producing an intended effect : ineffectual ineffective lighting. 2 : not capable of performing efficiently or as expected : incapable an ineffective executive.

Whats the definition of sagely?

: in a sage or wise manner The soldiers nodded sagely to each other. Cluny was right.

What does Unfadable mean?

1 : not subject to fading : fast, everlasting a fabric of unfadable color. 2 : incapable of being forgotten : memorable, deathless an unfadable act of political courage — Manchester Guardian Weekly.

Is inept a bad word?

A clumsy, incompetent person — or an ineffective action — is inept. An inept person is downright bad at something. The opposite of inept is competent.

What is the difference between ineptitude and inaptitude?

Inaptitude means being unsuited (i.e. implies not having the necessary skillset) to something particular while ineptitude is more general – it is the state of being incompetent at something. “Despite his apparent aptitude he was inept.”

What is the difference between inept and incompetent?

1 Answer. Incompetent implies inability (“not up to the job”) whereas inept could be a judgement on something not being done well on a particular occasion.

Is ineptitude a real word?

Ineptitude is a lack of skill, ability, or competence. A doctor would prove his ineptitude at practicing medicine if he mistakenly removed a patient’s spleen instead of his kidney. Ineptitude and incompetence are synonyms to describe people who have absolutely no idea what they’re doing.

Which is the best definition of the word inaptitude?

Inaptitude definition is – lack of aptitude.

Which is the best dictionary definition of ineptitude?

in·ep·ti·tude 1. The quality of being inept; ineptness. 2. An inept act or remark.

What is the dictionary definition of lack of aptitude?

Lack of talent or ability. 2. The quality or state of being inappropriate. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. n. 1. lack of aptitude; unfitness.

Is the word ineptitude a synonym for disorganization?

In a series of interviews, the most extensive since her termination, she described an agency mired in disorganization and ineptitude.