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What does a high cardiolipin antibody test mean?

What does a high cardiolipin antibody test mean?

Moderate to high levels of cardiolipin antibodies that persist when tested again 12 weeks later indicate the likely continued presence of that specific antibody, which may be associated with an increased risk of excessive clotting or recurrent miscarriages.

What is cardiolipin antibody test for?

A cardiolipin antibodies test looks for a certain kind of antibody in your blood. An antibody is a substance in your blood that helps fight off infection. The antibodies attack cardiolipins by mistake. Cardiolipin is a phospholipid, or a kind of fat in the blood that is important for blood clotting.

Does antiphospholipid syndrome weaken your immune system?

But having a family member with antiphospholipid antibodies increases the chance of your immune system also producing them. Studies have shown that some people with APS have a faulty gene that plays a role in other autoimmune conditions, such as lupus.

Where is cardiolipin found?

The phospholipid cardiolipin (CL) is a hallmark lipid of mitochondria and almost exclusively found in mitochondrial membranes (Pangborn, 1945). CL is predominantly located in the inner membrane and associated to many mitochondrial functions (see below).

Does antiphospholipid syndrome shorten life expectancy?

In these patients and in patients with catastrophic APS, the disease course can be devastating, often leading to significant morbidity or early death. In large European cohort studies, 10-year survival is approximately 90-94%.

What is a normal cardiolipin?

Assay range notes: IgG anticardiolipin: Weak positive: 15-40U/ml. Positive: >40U/ml.

Can a positive antibody be found for cardiolipin?

IgG and IgM anticardiolipin antibodies are measured in this laboratory. Antibody concentrations do not correlate with extent or severity of thrombosis. Anti-cardiolipin can be positive in patients without major thrombotic problems.

What kind of antibody is anticardiolipin syndrome?

What is Anticardiolipin Syndrome? Antiphospholipid antibody (aPL) is an antibody that reacts with negatively charged phospholipids, molecules which are common constituents of cell membranes. Two primary aPLs are lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibody.

Can a cardiolipin antibody be present in SLE?

In SLE, anti-DNA antibodies and anti-cardiolipin antibodies may be present individually or together; the two types of antibodies act independently. This is in contrast to rheumatoid arthritis with systemic sclerosis ( scleroderma) because anti-cardiolipin antibodies are present in both conditions, and therefore may tie the two conditions together.

How are anticardiolipin antibodies used to treat phlebitis?

Anticardiolipin antibodies are often responsible (with lupus anticoagulants and beta-2 glycoprotein antibodies) for the abnormal formation of clots in veins (phlebitis) and arteries (arterial thromboses).