Is Yasuo good against fizz?
Is Yasuo good against fizz?
Fizz is forced to battle against Yasuo in 21.8% of his matches. Unfortunitally, Fizz has done a poor job of countering Yasuo. Normally, Fizz wins a acceptable 49.0% of the time the champions fight one another in. In Fizz versus Yasuo rounds, Fizz’s side is 1.0% more probable to obtain first blood.
Does Yasuo win fizz?
Yasuo does a decent job of countering Fizz. Normally, Yasuo wins a acceptable 51.0% of the time the champs face off with each other in. In Yasuo versus Fizz games, Yasuo’s team is 2.0% less probable to get first blood. This implies that he most likely won’t be able to get first blood against Fizz.
What’s the best match up between Fizz and Yasuo?
This can be a hard match-up for either player, but I find it favors fizz; play defensive 1 or 2. don’t be afraid to pop his passive if he gets too close, but dash out of range of his q. At 6, use your ult point-blank rather than as initiation. You better to play defensively before 6, because nice yasuo will just kite you with q.
How often does Yasuo get first blood against Fizz?
Normally, he wins a lowly 48.0% of games the champions oppose one another in. In Yasuo versus Fizz games, Yasuo’s team is 2.0% less probable to earn first blood, indicating that he most likely won’t be able to get first blood versus Fizz.
Which is better, Yasuo or fizz in Moba?
For instance, Yasuo’s KDA ratio ( [kills + assists] / deaths) of 1.7 is worse than Fizz’s KDA ratio of 2.6, highlighting that Yasuo may be less central to his team’s team fighting potential than Fizz. Yasuo usually has a significant smaller longest kill spree than his foe does. Commonly, Yasuo takes less damage than Fizz.
What’s the best way to play against Yasuo?
You better to play defensively before 6, because nice yasuo will just kite you with q. Always save e or q to dodge his tornado. On 6 play agressive ant try to bite yasuo’s Wind Wall. If you did this then do your ult combo, yasuo will probably die. Roam. At level 1, activate W and AA while dodging Yasuo’s Q.