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Is Metronic free?

Is Metronic free?

Our collection of bootstrap themes and templates are totally free and you may use them for your private or commercial projects at absolutely no cost.

How do I download Metronic themes?

Gulp Quick Start

  1. Download the latest theme source from the marketplace.
  2. Download and install Node.
  3. Start command prompt window or terminal and change directory to [metronic]/theme/html/tools/ cd theme/html/tools.
  4. Install the latest npm.
  5. Install yarn via the npm.

What is Metronic theme?

An admin theme is a HTML, CSS, JavaScript template that is used to build the user interface for the admin side of a web application. Metronic built with HTML, SASS, jQuery, Bootstrap 4 and Angular 8 and it can be used to build any web application regardless used server side languages and technologies.

How do I update Metronic theme?

Get the latest version use it instead the previous version. Run yarn install task to update 3rd party plugins with their latest versions. Compare your project’s code vs the latest version of Metronic’s code for the used elements. Manually replace the element HTML, CSS or JS where necessary.

Which is the latest version of Metronic v6.1.3?

Download Metronic v6.1.3 – Bootstrap 4, Angular 8, React Admin Dashboard Theme full version / nulled version / latest version for FREE. Metronic is a responsive and multipurpose admin powered with Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.7 & AngularJS 1.5 frameworks.

Which is responsive admin framework does Metronic use?

Metronic is a responsive and multipurpose admin powered with Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.7 & AngularJS 1.5 frameworks. Metronic can be used for any type of web applications: custom admin panels, admin dashboards, eCommerce backends, CMS, CRM, SAAS.

What can METRONIC be used for on the web?

Metronic can be used for any type of web applications: custom admin panels, admin dashboards, eCommerce backends, CMS, CRM, SAAS. Metronic has a sleek, clean and intuitive metro & flat balanced design* which makes your next project look awesome and yet user friendly

Where can I find the Metronic plugin demo?

For more info please chech the plugin’s official demos & documentation http://www.amcharts.com/demos/ THEME SUPPORT: If you have any questions or need the theme support please contact us via [email protected].
