Is IE 8 still used?
Is IE 8 still used?
Effective January 12, 2016, Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported on numerous version of Windows, due to new policies specifying that only the newest version of IE available for a supported version of Windows will be supported.
What is the most used browser in the UK?
Chrome led the market in April 2021, with a 49.4 percent share of the market desktop, mobile, tablet and console internet browsers in the United Kingdom (UK). Ranked second was Safari, with 33.37 percent, followed by Edge which obtained 6.31 percent of the market.
Can I still use Internet Explorer after August 2021?
NEW DELHI : Microsoft is finally pulling the plug on its original Internet browser—the Internet Explorer. Additionally, services included in Microsoft 365, such as Outlook and OneDrive, will stop connecting to IE11 from 17 August 2021. …
Why Internet Explorer is still used?
Healthcare, manufacturing, and local government are the main sectors that still have Internet Explorer holdouts, according to radio show Marketplace. They’ve gotten stuck on Internet Explorer either by failing to regularly update their IT systems, or because they use specialized equipment that can’t be updated.
What’s the market share of Internet Explorer 8?
Die . IE8 continues to show up in browser stats, especially outside of the bubble of the Western world. Browser stats have to be taken with a pinch of salt, but current estimates for IE8 usage worldwide are around 0.3% to 0.4% of the desktop market share. The lower end of the estimate comes from w3counter:
Where are most people using Internet Explorer 8?
There’s a very clear top six countries for IE8 usage, after which the figures drop down to be comparable with the world average: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This data is summarized in the map below: Iran, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan in the Middle East, and China, North Korea & Cambodia in the Far East stand out for their IE8 usage.
When did Microsoft stop supporting Internet Explorer 8?
Microsoft officially stopped supporting IE8, IE9 and IE10 over three years ago, and the Microsoft executives are even telling you to stop using Internet Explorer 11. But as much as we developers hope for it to go away, it just. Won’t. Die . IE8 continues to show up in browser stats, especially outside of the bubble of the Western world.
Is it safe to use Internet Explorer 8?
There’s every reason to not support IE8. Microsoft officially stopped supporting IE8, IE9 and IE10 over three years ago, and the Microsoft executives are even telling you to stop using Internet Explorer 11. But as much as we developers hope for it to go away, it just.