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How to get admission in Airforce school Coimbatore?

How to get admission in Airforce school Coimbatore?

Air Force School Coimbatore Admissions No admission test is administered for admission upto class VII. The Principal is to arrange for admission tests in the subjects as specified and decide whether the student can be admitted and if so, to which class. The decision of the Principal is final.

Can civilians take admission in Air Force School?

Children of civilians can be admitted to Air Force School depending upon availability of seats. The registration for new admission to all classes depending on vacancy is done in the month of February every year.

How do I pay my air force school fee online?


  1. Click on “Menu” Option.
  2. Select the category “Fees”.
  3. User received a pre filled form with fee details.
  4. Choose Quarter to pay and click on it.
  5. Click on Pay fee.
  6. User will be redirected to payment gateway.
  7. Select Payment mode (For Eg- Debit card, Credit Card, Net banking etc.)

How can I get admission in navy school Coimbatore?

The child should have completed 3 years as on 31st March of the academic session for admission to Lower KG and 5 years for Class 1. Children of serving Army/ IAF( Indian Air Force)/ personnel on deputation to Navy, serving Indian Coast Guard (ICG) personnel and NCS Staff.

When was the Air Force School Coimbatore established?

Air Force School, Coimbatore was primarily instituted in the year 1952. A small Nursery School was established in the Air Force Campus. Over the years, it grew in strength and stature. In the year 1980 Class I was added, Class II was added in 1981, Class III in 1982, Class IV in 1983, Class V in 1984, Class VI was added in 1985.

When is admission for Air Force School 2020?

Admission are closed for the academic year 2021-22. Admission will be open for class LKG from Feb,2020 for the academic year 2020-21. Admissions are open for class LKG from Feb 1, 2019Â for the academic year 2019-20.

When is admission for AFS Puliakulam Air Force School?

The Students seeking admission to the school must apply on a prescribed form, available at the School Reception. Admission will be open for class LKG from Feb,2020 for the academic year 2020-21. Admissions are open for class LKG from Feb 1, 2019Â for the academic year 2019-20.

Which is the best Air Force School in India?

The School is recognized by CBSE, New Delhi, Since 1985. Admission will be open for class LKG from Feb,2020 for the academic year 2020-21. Higher Class Procedure: Admission is a matter of availability of seats in the desired class. The Students seeking admission to the school must apply on a prescribed form, available at the School Reception.