How many inches does a deer have to be to be a Boone and Crockett?
How many inches does a deer have to be to be a Boone and Crockett?
The Boone and Crockett Club defines a point on a whitetail or Coues’ deer as “any projection at least one inch long and longer than it is wide at one inch or more of length.” Since most whitetails are hunted in or near heavy cover where there may only be seconds to assess their antlers, we need a quick way to count …
What qualifies a deer for Boone and Crockett?
For Boone and Crockett the minimum scoring points for whitetail deer is 160 inches. For Pope and Young the minimum for whitetail deer is 125 inches. There are also minimums for non-typical antlers.
What state has the most Boone and Crockett mule deer?
In this Muley Freak article we’re going to take a state-by-state look and rank the top 10 states where record book trophy mule deer bucks are being harvested and entered into the Boone and Crockett Club records….Mule Deer TOTAL B&C Entries 2010-2017.
Location | Entries |
1. CO | 155 |
2. Sask | 68 |
3. UT | 54 |
4. ID | 48 |
What is a good score for mule deer?
A mule deer buck that approaches 180 points will probably be fairly mature, with long beams, good points, and likely decent mass. For all but the most selective die-hard hunters, a mule deer buck in the 170s is a big buck and an attainable goal.
What is a good size buck?
Good bucks will have at least seven or eight inch second points. Outstanding animals may have G-2’s 9-11 inches long. The third point may be shorter or longer than the second, but it too should be eight inches or longer on an outstanding buck.
How big is a 150 class buck?
around 7-8 inches
This measurement is around 7-8 inches. After you have referenced your initial measurements you will be ready to start field scoring the buck. Take a look at the picture above to memorize the reference points.
What is a good mule deer score?
What makes a trophy mule deer?
With mule deer, trophy hunters generally look for bucks with at least a 22-inch spread. Find one with a spread over 26 inches and you’re likely on to a buck well worth a closer look, but width is just part of the equation.
What is all time Boone and Crockett?
The All-time books, such as Records of North American Big Game, 13th Edition, are published every six years and have all trophy listings that meet the All-time minimum score.
What’s a booner buck?
To qualify as a “Booner” a typical whitetail buck must have antlers that score at least 170 after deductions, known as the “net” score. If you know anything about measuring antlers you know that a buck with a gross score of 175, for example, could score as low as 140 or less after deductions.
What kind of tape do you use to measure mule deer?
All measurements must be made with a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. (Note: A flexible steel cable can be used to measure points and main beams only.) Enter fractional figures in eighths, without reduction.
How are mule deer scored under Boone and Crockett?
Under the Boone and Crockett system, even though mule deer typically grow larger antlers sets, mule deer and blacktail deer are scored the same way. Past this obvious antler size difference there are still a few thing to look out for specific to field judging each species of blacktail .
How to download the Boone and Crockett Club score chart?
Each score chart includes measuring instructions. B&C score charts are also available in French translation. Click here to go the French score chart download page. Please note that the Boone and Crockett Club score charts are protected by copyright laws.
What are the deductions for Boone and Crockett?
Deductions: Gross score for Boone and Crockett and Pope and Young are the total number of inches, however both clubs employ deductions for typical bucks. A deduction occurs when symmetry is not exact on both sides of the antler.