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How many endings are in School Days HQ?

How many endings are in School Days HQ?

The Visual Novel In all five of Sekai’s endings and two of Kotonoha’s seven endings, Makoto loves his respective significant other and ends up with them.

What is the true ending of School Days?

School Days became popularly known for its bad endings, which depict the deaths of characters. In one ending titled “Bloody End”, a yandere Kotonoha slits Sekai’s jugular vein open with a dōzuki, causing Sekai to collapse and die in a fountain of blood to the manic laughter of her assailant and the horror of Makoto.

Was Sekai actually pregnant in School Days?

Sekai never had the proof of her actually being pregnant, as she herself have never used an pregnancy tester before on her own, before even telling Makoto that she’s pregnant. According to the Wiki, it’s been stated that Kotonoha was an educated young lady, so she’s probably informed about where the baby exactly is at.

Who kills Makoto?

In the final two chapters of the manga, Makoto is accidentally slashed by a maddened Kotonoha, who immediately breaks down in remorse.

Is Makoto dead in school days?

One day in his apartment, Makoto is then tragically stabbed to death by Sekai in his room. After discovering that she murdered Makoto, she flees the apartment. His body is later found by Kotonoha and she severs his head to bring it to the school rooftop.

Who killed Makoto?

How many girls did Makoto slept with?

The only girls Makoto became intimate with were: Kotonoha Katsura, Sekai Saionji, Setsuna Kiyoura, Hikari Kuroda, Otome Katou, Minami Obuchi, Natsumi Koizumi and Kumi Mori. And out of all of those, it was really only Kotonoha and Sekai who were affectionate towards him.

How many endings are there in School Days HQ?

In School Days HQ the original 21 endings are retained and 1 bad ending is added, All of the LxH versions extra content are ignored. The endings are divided as follows: For a complete list of School Days HQ ‘s episodes, see the School Days episode list . In Summer Days, most of the endings are devoted to Setsuna, Youko, and Kotonoha.

How many endings are there in the school days visual novel?

1 Answer 1. There are about 20 endings in the School Days Visual Novel. Here’s the episode 6 routemap from School Days HQ: The last leaves of the routemap tree can be duplicate (I know a single case, there can be more).

Are there any endings in school days lxh Hikari?

In School Days LxH Hikari’s 2 endings are removed, 6 new bad endings are added and the original 3 bad endings have an epilogue. Setsuna’s ending also gets a proper name. It is currently unknown if all the epilogues have their own main menu picture. The endings are divided as follows.

Is there an end to the days series?

The Days series of games each has multiple endings that can be received depending on the player’s choices. Strictly speaking, the endings do not have a name, but usually take their name from the final episode the route concludes with. All the endings have a main menu picture, which replaces the old one when the player finishes a play-through.