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How many block panchayats are there in Alappuzha district?

How many block panchayats are there in Alappuzha district?

71 panchayats
Under the local self-government system, the district is divided into five statutory towns and development blocks consisting of 71 panchayats.

Which is the District Panchayat of Alappuzha?

District Panchayat Divisions

Sl.No District Panchayat Division
1 Aroor
2 Poochackal
3 Pallippuram
4 Kanjikkuzhy

What is Block Panchayath?

blocks. Block Panchayaths / Block Development Offices are the main functionaries of Rural Development Department. There are 152 Block Panchayaths in Kerala, as follows: District.

How many blocks are there in Alappuzha?

Alappuzha district has 91 local bodies -72 Grama Panchayats, 12 Block Panchayats, 6 Municipalities and a District Panchayat.

How many villages are there in Alappuzha?


Sl No. Villages Village Office Number
1 Alappuzha West 04772237198
2 Ambalappuzha 04772271650
3 Ambalappuzha Vadakku Not Availble
4 Aryadu Thekku 04772234630

How many panchayats are there in mavelikkara?

ആലപ്പുഴ ജില്ലയിലെ ഗ്രാമ പഞ്ചായത്തുകളുടെ അടിസ്ഥാന വിവരങ്ങള്‍

Basic details of Grama Panchayats in Alappuzha District
Sl.no Grama Panchayat Assembly constituency
31 Krishnapuram Kayamkulam
32 Kumarapuram Haripad
33 Kuthiathode Aroor

Which is the northernmost panchayat in Kerala?

Thalappady is the northernmost village in Kerala. While traveling from Kozhikode to Mangalore, Thalappady is the last village in Kerala. It is one kilometre from Kunjathur town.

How many Panchayat are there in Cherthala?

ആലപ്പുഴ ജില്ലയിലെ ഗ്രാമ പഞ്ചായത്തുകളുടെ അടിസ്ഥാന വിവരങ്ങള്‍

Basic details of Grama Panchayats in Alappuzha District
Sl.no Grama Panchayat Population
15 Cherthala south 40102
16 Cheruthana 12854
17 Chettikulangara 37495

Who is the head of block panchayat?

Head of Panchayat Samiti is a Sarpanch. The total term of each Panchayat Samiti is five years in all states.

How is block panchayat members elected?

Typically, a taluka panchayat is composed of elected members of the area: the block development officer, members of the state’s legislative assembly, members of parliament belonging to that area, otherwise unrepresented groups (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women), associate members (such as a farmer, a …

What is the salary of a village officer in Kerala?

As per the reports in 2019, the salary for Kerala PSC VEO Grade 2 Officer is between INR 20,000 to INR 45,800 (per month). The officer receives promotion as he/she progresses in the career. A Village Extension Officer is entitled to several other perks and benefits apart from a basic monthly salary.

How mavelikara got its name?

The name Mavelikara is believed to be turned out from the words Maveli or Mahabali, the mythical king of Kerala, and Kara means land. As a result of the close association with the Travancore Royal Family, Mavelikkara gained modern facilities well ahead of other places in the state.
