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How does moderated mediation work?

How does moderated mediation work?

Moderated mediation: A moderator variable alters the strength of the relationship between two other variables, i.e. the predictor and the outcome variable. In a mediator model, this relationship may be the indirect effect or mediator effect.

What is Amos SEM?

IBM® SPSS® Amos is a powerful structural equation modeling (SEM) software helping support your research and theories by extending standard multivariate analysis methods, including regression, factor analysis, correlation and analysis of variance.

How do you analyze the moderation effect?

To test a bariable as moderator you only need to employ regression. Create an interaction variable by multiplying your IV with the moderator variable. Then run the multiple regression with IV, Moderator, and Interaction in the model. Test the moderation effect by testing the regression coefficient of Interaction.

What is the difference between mediation and moderation?

A mediating variable (or mediator) explains the process through which two variables are related, while a moderating variable (or moderator) affects the strength and direction of that relationship. These variables are important to consider when studying complex correlational or causal relationships between variables.

What is the index of moderated mediation?

The index of moderated mediation is a direct quantification of the linear association between the indirect effect and the putative moderator of that effect.

Can a mediator also be a moderator?

Although mediators and moderators can be integrated, it should be very clear that mediators and moderators are unique—the terms cannot be used interchangeably.

What is index of moderated mediation?

Can You predetermine mediation and moderation in Amos?

You cannot predetermine mediation and moderation. So, model the data in in AMOS as you believe the literature guides you. If X1 influences Y1 and then Y2, then draw it that way. Y1 would be an example of an intermediate variable that may or may not be moderating or mediating.

How is the effect of a mediator moderated?

Moderated mediation tests the influence of a fourth (or more) variable on the mediated relationship between X and Y The effect of the mediator is moderated by another variable X -> M -> Y (depending on Z) The moderation can occur on any and all paths in the mediation model (e.g., a path, b path, c path, or any combination of the three)

How is moderated mediation used in conditional process analysis?

Moderated Mediation: Conditional Process Analysis Moderated Mediation: Conditional Process Analysis Consider the model that X has both direct and indirect (through M) effects on Y, but that the indirect and/or direct effect of X on Y is moderated by W – that is, the effects of X on Y are conditional, depending on the value of W.

How is the SEM function used in moderated mediation?

The SEM function allows a completely user-defined model to be fit to the data, like our specifically defined moderated mediation model (the SEM function was designed to fit structural equation models, but can also fit “regular” regression models as well).