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How do you use Thieves oil when sick?

How do you use Thieves oil when sick?

Massage or Topical Application: This healing oil can be diluted and massaged into the skin to help protect against the germs that cause illness. It is also very beneficial in the care of illness.

What do you use Thieves oil for?

Thieves Oil Uses:

  1. Treating Wounds. Apply 1-3 drops around cuts or open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing.
  2. Sore Throat. Mix with a tablespoon of water, gargle and swallow for a sore throat.
  3. Chest Tightness.
  4. Headache.
  5. Longevity.
  6. Skin Blemishes.
  7. Cold and Flu Protection.
  8. Clean Home.

What is the best way to use Thieves essential oil?

Add a drop of Thieves to a towel and use it to free the gunk from counters, whiteboards, desks, and other surfaces. Tackle tough dishes with ease. Supercharge your Thieves® Automatic Dishwasher Powder with a few drops of Thieves essential oil blend to leave your dishes residue free!

Where do you rub thieves oil?

Dilute Thieves with regular olive oil and rub it on the soles of the feet (or along the spine for particularly nasty bugs). This will help your body absorb their purifying properties and jump start your immune response to sickness. 3.

What is thieves essential oil used for?

Likes Comments. Thieves essential oil is well known to reduce stress, neutralize bacterial and viral pathogens, improve digestion, strengthen bones and reduce inflammation, as well as lowering fevers, healing skin conditions, aiding weight loss and strengthening the respiratory system.

What are the benefits of thieves oil?

The main benefit of using thieves oil is to increase the body immune system. Therefore, it will help the body to avoid any bacteria infection or other kind of diseases. Furthermore, it will manage the body to keep healthy and away from sickness.

How do you use thieves oil?

To use thieves oil for steam inhalation, you can do the following: Add several drops of thieves oil to steaming water. Place a towel over your head and lean over the bowl of water. Keeping your eyes closed, breathe in deeply through your nose.

What is in thieves essential oil?

Thieves essential oil is not one oil. It’s actually a blend of a number of essential oils that, when combined, could provide a number of benefits to your body and overall health. Included in this mixture are rosemary, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, and cinnamon bark oils,…