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How do you build the EMP bomb in BioShock?

How do you build the EMP bomb in BioShock?

Once Jack obtains the components, he uses them to complete the bomb….As outlined in his audio diary, Assembling the Bomb, the items needed to finish the device are:

  1. Four R-34 Wire Clusters.
  2. Two Quarter-Cans of Ionic Gel.
  3. A charge of Nitroglycerin.

How do you get nitroglycerin?

How to Get Nitroglycerin in BioShock

  1. Enter Kyburz’s office in Hephaestus. The code is 0126.
  2. Disable the Trap Bolts and lower the plate glass.
  3. Destroy the Turret and take the Nitroglycerin charge.

How do you get nitroglycerin in Kyburz office?

It’s found in Kyburz’ office of Hephaestus, which has Trap Bolts rigged all over the place. After disabling the bolts (Telekinesis, Sonic Boom or Hypnotize Big Daddy is the best way to do so), Jack presses the button on the desk that opens the hidden compartment containing the charge of Nitroglycerin.

How do you kill Andrew Ryan?

Then, Ryan hands Jack his golf club and commands Jack to kill him. As Jack beats Ryan to death with the club, Ryan yells in a progressively weak voice, “A man chooses, a slave obeys.” After Ryan dies, Atlas commands Jack to grab the self-destruct key and deactivate the city’s self-destruct timer.

Why did Ryan build Rapture?

As described in the games’ backstory and through in-game audio recordings, the city of Rapture was envisioned by the Randian business magnate Andrew Ryan, who wanted to create a laissez-faire state with no ties to the rest of the world to escape what he saw as increasingly oppressive political, economic, and religious …

Where is the Journal in BioShock?

The Assembling the Bomb Audio Diary can be found in the secret workshop of Kyburz’s in the Kyburz’s Office area of Haphaestus.

Is there a substitute for nitroglycerin?

Slather Nitro Paste Hayes, PharmD, an ED pharmacist and toxicologist at the University of Maryland, recommends ED physicians reach for an alternative formulation, such as nitro paste or sublingual tablets. Hayes says the shortage has choked their hospital’s IV nitroglycerin inventory down to a few bottles.

Can you buy nitroglycerin?

Nitroglycerin sublingual tablet is a prescription drug that’s available as the brand-name drug Nitrostat. It’s also available as a generic drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than the brand-name version. In some cases, they may not be available in all strengths or forms as the brand-name drug.

Why did Ryan let Jack kill him?

Jack killed Ryan because he HAD to, Ryan let Jack kill him because he COULD. A man chooses, a slave obeys. With his death, he showed far more strength and freedom than Jack could ever hope to have.

Why did Ryan order Jack kill him?

TL; DR: Ryan enforces his philosophy of free will and the fact that he is free. So he chooses to be killed, as he already decided that, and it mattered little how he died. Just to prove to you/Jack that you are NOT a man, and he is. A man chooses.

Who is Atlas at the beginning of BioShock?

I’m Atlas, and I aim to keep you alive.” At the beginning of BioShock, Atlas is allegedly trying to escape the city with his family. When a plane crash occurs near the Lighthouse above Rapture, one of Atlas’ followers, Johnny, tries to reach a survivor of the accident, Jack, who had descended in a bathysphere.

Where to find Hephaestus in BioShock game guide?

On this page of the BioShock game guide, you will find the detailed Hephaestus stage walkthrough. At this location, there is at least one major battle with a large group of Splicers. The hero must also solve a puzzle that involves finding the missing components to build a bomb. The finished explosive must then be installed on the core.

How to get to the core in BioShock?

Go further South to get to the core. 05 -here is the first little sister with a daddy. At the highest level, there is one recording. Take it and go lower. At the middle level, there is one recording. On the lower level there is a recording and a Gatherer’s Garden.

Where to find shorter alarms 2 in BioShock?

When you’re done, use the Elevator (it’s behind you). Go down the hall. Along the way, you will find shorter alarms 2. Go to the end and start the Elevator. When you get to the top, place the bomb on the core. Now go back to the gate of Ryan’s office. Use the switch and they will open.