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How do I view the 1881 census?

How do I view the 1881 census?

The 1881 Census is free to view on Findmypast. Within the 1881 England, Wales and Scotland census, you will find transcribed images of the original 1881 census pages plus clear images of the original census enumeration books.

Was there an 1881 census?

Discover more about the 1881 UK census When the 1881 census was taken on April 3rd, the total population of England, Wales and Scotland was recorded as 29,707,207. The First Boer War ended only weeks before the 1881 census.

What month was the 1881 census taken?

3 April
The 1881 census was taken on Sunday 3 April under provisions in the Act for the Taking of the Census in Scotland (43 & 44 Vict, c. 38). The methods used were the same as for the 1861 and 1871 censuses.

When was the 1891 census held?

5 April 1891
The 1891 Census for England was taken on the night of 5 April 1891.

What is the latest census available to public?

Because of a 72-year restriction on access to the Census, the most recent year available is 1940. The 1950 Census will be released in 2022. The National Archives has the census schedules on microfilm available from 1790 to 1940, and most have now been digitized by our digitization partners.

How to search for census of Canada, 1881?

Search: Census of Canada, 1881 Search: Census of Canada, 1881 Enter one or more search terms. You don’t need to fill in all the boxes. Wildcard character:* (e.g. John* for Johns, Johnsen, Johnson, Johnston, etc.) Keywords: Surname: Given Name(s): Age:

What did householders have to do on 1851 census?

In 1851, householders were asked to give more precise details of the places of birth of each resident, to state their relationship to him or her, marital status and the nature of any disabilities from which they may have suffered.

Where can I find the 1811 census in Nottinghamshire?

The 1811 census is available at the Nottinghamshire Archives. The Nottinghamshire Family History Society has an index on CD-ROM. Like most pre-1841 census records, this one only includes the name of the head of the household. How was the Census Conducted?

How is the Head of Household listed in the census?

From 1790 to 1840, only the head of household is listed by name; other household members are merely counted in selected age groups. For specifics on what information was collected in each census year, see Availability of Census Records About Individuals