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How do I make the keyboard disappear in Swift?

How do I make the keyboard disappear in Swift?

If you have a UITextField and you want to hide the keyboard when the user is pressing the return key, use the textFieldShouldReturn function. Be sure you have set the textField. delegate = self in your viewDidLoad() function.

How do I hide the keyboard in swift 5?

Here is how to dismiss the keyboard by tapping anywhere else, in 2 lines using Swift 5….In storyboard:

  1. select the TableView.
  2. from the the right-hand-side, select the attribute inspector.
  3. in the keyboard section – select the dismiss mode you want.

How do I hide the keyboard when tapping textField in Swift?

  1. Add UITextFieldDelegate to the class declaration:
  2. Connect the textfield or write it programmatically.
  3. set your view controller as the text fields delegate in view did load: override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.userText.delegate = self }

What’s the best way to close the keyboard?

A more “scorched earth” approach is to call view.endEditing (true). This causes view and all its subviews to resignFirstResponder. If you don’t have a reference to the view you’d like to dismiss, this is a hacky but effective solution.

How to hide the keyboard when using SwiftUI?

Just include KeyboardAvoider {} on top of your main view and that’s all. In addition to all answers about tapping outside of the textField, you may want to dismiss the keyboard when the user taps the return key on the keyboard: This method allows you to hide the keyboard on spacers!

When do I dismiss the keyboard in Swift?

To expand on Esqarrouth’s answer, I always use the following to dismiss the keyboard, especially if the class from which I am dismissing the keyboard does not have a view property and/or is not a subclass of UIView. And, for convenience, the following extension to the UIApplcation class:

When to use resignfirstresponder on a keyboard?

resignFirstResponder () is good to use any time you know exactly which text field is the first responder and you want to resign its first responder status. This can be slightly more efficient then the alternative, but if you’re doing something such as creating a custom control, this can make plenty of sense.