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How do I make text bold and red in HTML?

How do I make text bold and red in HTML?

To make text bold in HTML, use the … tag or … tag. Both the tags have the same functioning, but tag adds semantic strong importance to the text.

How do I highlight text bold in HTML?

The text that needs to be made bold must be within and tag. We can also use the tag to make the text strong, with added semantic importance. It also opens with and ends with tag.

How do you bold text in a span tag?

A piece of text, here with the SPAN tag, will look like this as code: Here the text is normal, here the text becomes bold, and here it becomes normal again….Styling with bold text.

Valus Description
bold Defines bold text
bolder Defines extra bold text
lighter Defines thinner text

How do I make text red in code?

“#ff0000”> #ff0000 is the color code for red.

What is the color code for red in HTML?

Shades of RED Colors:

Color Name HTML Color Code RGB Color Code
crimson #DC143C rgb(220,20,60)
firebrick #B22222 rgb(178,34,34)
red #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
darkred #8B0000 rgb(139,0,0)

What is the HTML code for bold?

To make bold text in HTML you can use the tag, the tag, or font-weight in CSS.

How do you make words bold?

Select the text that you want to make bold, and do one of the following:

  1. Move your pointer to the Mini toolbar above your selection and click Bold .
  2. Click Bold in the Font group on the Home tab.
  3. Type the keyboard shortcut: CTRL+B.

What is the bold tag in HTML?

The HTML element is used to draw the reader’s attention to the element’s contents, which are not otherwise granted special importance. This was formerly known as the Boldface element, and most browsers still draw the text in boldface.

What is the HTML code for red?

#FFFF00 – This HTML color code is a mixture of red and green colors defined as yellow. #CCEEFF – This HTML color code is a mixture of more green and maximum blue provides color like the sky….Shades of RED Colors:

Color Name HTML Color Code RGB Color Code
red #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
darkred #8B0000 rgb(139,0,0)

How to highlight text in HTML using CSS?

There are several methods for highlighting text. To proceed, select a method from the list below and follow the instructions. Highlight using the HTML5 tag. Highlight text with only HTML code. Highlight text with CSS & HTML. How to highlight a complete paragraph.

Is there CSS code for bold red text?

If you wish to make it bold and red you can do this. p.treeHugger { color:red; font-weight:bold /*You can do 700 or 800 or 900 instead of bold so that way you can pick your boldness level*/ } Hi – is there css code for bold red text?

How is the span tag used in HTML?

We can mark any area of a text in different color background. This way we can highlight some portion of the text. We will be using span tag in html to give color background to the text. Note that we are not using bold tag here to highlight the font in bold letters.

Where do you put bold text in HTML?

In HTML5, the preferred standard, the strong tag is recommended for important text. This is almost always displayed as bold text in browsers. Place the text you want bolded in between these tags: bold text here.