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How do I get PowerPoint to display full screen?

How do I get PowerPoint to display full screen?

Click the Start From Beginning command on the Quick Access toolbar, or press the F5 key at the top of your keyboard. The presentation will appear in full-screen mode.

Why is PowerPoint not opening full screen?

The most common reason is that the Windows screen scaling or DPI setting is set above 100%. This causes the operating system to wrongfully report a lower screen resolution to SlideDog. To correct this issue you need to set the scaling back to 100% as illustrated in the image below.

How do you preview in PowerPoint 2010?

Enabling and Disabling Live Preview Access PowerPoint Options by choosing File Menu | Options. This brings up the dialog box that you can see in Figure 4. Choose the General tab on the left, and deselet the Enable Live Preview check-box (see Figure 4 again). Click the OK button to get back to the PowerPoint interface.

How do I change the view in PowerPoint 2010?

On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show. In the Set Up Show dialog box, choose the options that you want, and then click OK. If you choose Automatic, the monitor you selected as your main display will show your speaker notes.

What is select all in PowerPoint?

The Select All feature in PowerPoint helps you select all of your slides at once. Then you can copy or apply changes to multiple slides in a presentation quickly and consistently. Keyboard shortcut: Select a slide in the thumbnail pane, then press Ctrl+A to select all of the other slides as well.

How do I upload a PowerPoint presentation?

In PowerPoint, create a video file (.mp4 or .wmv file) from your slide show, as described in Turn your presentation into a video. Go online to YouTube and sign in with your account. In YouTube, click Upload and then select the file you want to upload. Enter a title, description, and any tags that you want to add to your movie.

What is a slide show in PowerPoint?

Slide Show view in PowerPoint is used to display the presentation on or from your computer. This is the best way to view or preview your presentation to ensure it is clear, focused and has the impact on your audience that you want. To run a presentation in Slide Show view in PowerPoint, click the “Slide Show” tab in the Ribbon.