Popular tips

How do I find my favorites on DeviantArt?

How do I find my favorites on DeviantArt?

Finding my favourites Find your favourites by going to your profile page and clicking “Favourites.” On this page, you can organize your favourites by creating collections!

How do you do advanced search on DeviantArt?

You just have to put the # followed by the word you want to use.

Is there a way to filter DeviantArt?

Have you ever want to block/filter deviations (a.k.a. submissions) while browsing DeviantArt? Well now you can! Simply install DeviantArt Filter in your web browser of choice and start filtering by user, keyword, and/or category.

Who are the founders of the website DeviantArt?

DeviantArt (formerly stylized as deviantART) is an American online art community featuring artwork, videography and photography. It was launched on August 7, 2000 by Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, Matthew Stephens, and others.

What kind of art can you find on DeviantArt?

DeviantArt. Artworks are organized in a category structure, including photography, digital art, traditional art, literature, Flash, filmmaking, skins for applications, operating system customization utilities, pornography and others, along with downloadable resources such as tutorials and stock photography.

Where do I find the search bar on DeviantArt?

The search bar is easily accessed by clicking the magnifying glass at the top middle of your window, right next to the More menu. Because it’s at the top, you can access Search from anywhere on DA (I’m starting on the Daily Deviations page in the below example).

How to search for a dog on DeviantArt?

Explore away–these Tags are ones used by deviants when submitting! But we want to use a filter now to narrow the results to photography of dogs that is recently submitted. Just above the first image result is a drop down menu that defaults to Recommended for You.