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How do I create an online quiz question?

How do I create an online quiz question?

How our quiz maker works

  1. Log into SurveyMonkey and choose one of our free online quiz templates, or select “Start from scratch.”
  2. Add quiz questions to your survey.
  3. Enable quiz mode by checking “Score this question” for each quiz question.
  4. Assign your answer options points with the plus or minus signs.

How do you conduct a quiz virtually?

How to create an online quiz

  1. Step 1: Name your Quiz.
  2. Step 2: Enter your questions and answers.
  3. Step 3: Set up the login page.
  4. Step 4: Customize your online Quiz.
  5. Step 5: Share your Quiz.
  6. Step 6: Play, and watch your statistics!

What’s the best way to answer internet questions?

Here we have update the Internet and Networking Top 50 Questions Answers in this post. You can also read Computer General Knowledge to improve your General Knowledge about Computer study. Below you can read Internet and Networking Top 50 Questions Answers.

How many of these internet trivia questions can you answer?

How many of these Internet Trivia quiz questions can you answer? What was eBay.com originally called? What company did the founders of YouTube work for before starting up YouTube? What popular social networking site was sold to News Corp. for $580 million in 2005?

What are some good conversation questions for ESL?

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom . Do you often use the Internet? When did you first use the Internet? About how many hours a day do you use the Internet? About how many hours a week do you use the Internet? Who uses the Internet the most in your family? What computer do you use to access the Internet?

Do you think you have basic internet skills?

The internet is one of the main benefits that people all over the world get to enjoy and connect with each other. When it comes to the Internet there are some basic skills that one is required to be aware of. Do you think you have adequate information when it comes to basic internet skills? Take the quiz below and find out!