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Did you know facts about guava?

Did you know facts about guava?

Guava contains numerous phytochemicals that act beneficially on the humans’ health. Guava is often labeled as “super fruit” because it contains 4 times more vitamin C than orange, 3 times more proteins and 4 times more fiber than pineapple, 2 times more lycopene than tomato and slightly more potassium than banana.

What is special about guava?

Guava is loaded with nutrients. Not only does it have more Vitamin C than oranges, guava is also rich in other antioxidants, and has been shown to have a number of great health benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits of eating this tropical fruit. One of the key nutrients found in guava is fiber.

Do guava has flowers?

Guavas are typical Myrtoideae, with tough dark leaves that are opposite, simple, elliptic to ovate, and 5–15 centimetres (2–6 in) long. The flowers are white, with five petals and numerous stamens.

What is the flower of guava?

Guava Flower Appearance Most guavas have pure white, five-petaled flowers with long, multiple central stamens. Pineapple guava has red to pink stamens and white petals spotted with pink and lavender. The stamens of both look like a fountain or fireworks display.

What are the disadvantages of guava?

List of Disadvantages of Guava Fruit It can make you feeling frequently bloated. Like other fruits, guavas are a classic trigger for bloating, as it is rich in a type of sugar, known as fructose. It can cause diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. Due to fructose malabsorption, you would also experience diarrhea or messed-up digestion issues. It will cause you to always crave for sugar.

Does guava have iron?

Guava is a tropical fruit that contains numerous vitamins and is a good source of fiber, too. Guava also has calcium, iron, phosphorous, thiamine and niacin .

What are the benefits of guava fruit?

There are many health benefits of guava fruits. Guava fruits are very nutritious and loaded with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals which help in curing various types of diseases and disorders including high blood pressure and diabetes.