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Can I self-refer to any maternity hospital?

Can I self-refer to any maternity hospital?

You can self-refer by making direct contact with a midwife by calling the hospital on 020 3447 9400 or by completing the online self-referral form. Your midwife will make an appointment to see you at the start of your pregnancy. At this appointment you will be asked about your pregnancy and birth choices.

Can my partner come to my scan Chelsea and Westminster?

Scan appointments: Your partner/support person may attend any of your scans. We continue to ask them to wait outside the clinic until the appointment starts to help reduce the number of people in waiting areas.

Can I self-refer to hospital?

Generally, you cannot self-refer to a specialist within the NHS, except when accessing sexual health clinics or A&E treatment. A specialist will only see you with a letter of referral from your GP.

Does West Middlesex Hospital have private rooms?

You can self-refer online here. Private rooms are available at a cost of £85 per night.

Are there any specialist services at West Middlesex University Hospital?

You can self-refer online here. Specialist services include: endocrine service, obstetric medicine service, perinatal mental health service, perineal clinic, consultant midwife birth choices clinic, de-briefing service, infant feeding team, complementary therapies for postdates pregnancy.

Where is West Middlesex University Hospital Starlight Ward?

We provide children’s (paediatric) care in these locations. At our dedicated Children’s Centre on the third floor of the East Wing at West Middlesex University Hospital we have: Starlight Ward – a 20 bed inpatient unit (overnight stay) with a dedicated area for teenagers

Where can I get a maternity self referral form?

Maternity self-referral form In this section COVID-19 (coronavirus): Information for maternity service users Information in different languages Choosing where to have your baby Home births Our birth centres Barnet Birth Centre Edgware Birth Centre Heath Birth Centre Consultant-led delivery suites Maternity self-referral form Antenatal care

How to refer for maternity care in Western Trust?

As soon as you have a positive pregnancy test you can refer yourself directly for maternity care with your midwife in the Western Trust. Please complete the form below and leave the it at your Health Centre Reception. The Community Midwife will arrange an appointment for you and also notify your GP of your pregnancy.